You would be lying if you said you weren't nervous about the girls listening to it, especially Karina when she was the main inspiration for the song. But before you could even get deeper into your thought you were interrupted by your manager and a staff who was working for Mcountdown.

"Deja Vu you guys have 5 minutes till you need to go on stage." Said the staff as you guys all got ready to get up so you can finally make your way to where you guys needed to be with Taecyeon following closely behind so he could tell you guys what he needed to tell you before he got interrupted by the staff.

As you guys finally made your way through the halls you noticed a certain brunette peaking her head out a door of the waiting room she was assigned to, it seemed as she was looking for someone and once her eyes met yours the anxious look that was plastered on her face was quickly replaced with a wide smile, you gave her one back and a bow because you guys were in a hurry to get to the audio station.

Once you guys had arrived Taecyeon finally cleared his throat once the staff started placing the microphones on you.

"Alright once you guys are finished with your stage we need to hurry back to the company since they have something important to talk to you guys about." Taecyeon announced as you guys nodded your head at what he was telling you, you couldn't deny that you weren't worried because meetings with the company were always nerve wrecking.

He continued to speak and tell you other things before he was once again interrupted by the staff ushering you to the stage, you guys all stood in position waiting for your cue to start performing but the only thought that filled your mind was what did the company possibly want to talk to you guys about.

It wasn't long before your Mcountdown performance was over and you guys were seated in a conference room in the SM building surrounded by some new faces you guys have never seen around the company, during the entire waiting period for your companies CEO and your guessing their CEO was only making your nerves get worse but before you could even ask what was going on the doors opened and there Lee Sooman and a face you could never forget entered the room Bang PD the man who debuted the biggest boy group in the world currently, as they both looked at you and the members they had the biggest smiles on their face.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long, especially you boys since we know you guys are currently preparing for your upcoming comeback and you guys have some flights to catch but don't worry this conversation won't take very long." Sooman told you guys as you guys nodded your head at what he was telling you guys, you did feel a bit at ease when you noticed that he seemed extremely happy about something and it was the same for Bang PD.

"You guys must be wondering who everyone in this room is well everyone here are going to be apart of your team, Bang and I have been talking for awhile about you guys, he has a tremendous amount of interest in you guys, he felt like you guys could honestly be as big as BTS with the right amount of promotion. So after speaking to each other for awhile about how we would make that happen we both decided that SM and BE:LIFT Lab a joint label with HYBE and CJ E&M Entertainment will be co-managing DEJA VU. Meaning that they will also take part in comeback preparation and will also be funding your reality shows, concerts, comeback showcases and etc." Sooman told you guys, as you guys all listened in shock, you weren't mad at all by the news because you knew you guys would grow rapidly because of this announcement but all you could wonder about was if you guys would have to move dormitories and what not, "This also means you guys will be spending a lot of time moving between both the SM and BE:LIFT building for dance practices and recording sessions. Which also means the comeback after the one you are currently are working on BE:LIFT will be taking over the ones moving forward but you will still be an SM artist that will never change. You guys will still be living in the SM dorms and still work with SM staff." He finished off as if he was able to read your guys minds, you were happy to know you wouldn't have to move out and have to move to a completely different dormitory cause that would mean less time with Karina and you would rather not have to do that because you had so much making up to do for the time you loss due from your guys break up.

The only thing that was keeping you going through preparing for this comeback was knowing that you would be able to spend most of your resting period spending time with Karina and that was the only thing that kept you going.

But you also had no idea how you were going to tell her that you would be spending less time in the SM building due to the co-management they had going on for your group.


a little filler chapter that is surprisingly pretty long but next chapter would be taking place after both concept and music video shooting which means you will be having a resting period before your groups comeback.

but please drop some ideas for a possible date with Karina since there wasn't much of Karina in this chapter, I wanted to make up for that and make next chapter filled with cute moments you and Karina both have with each other.

also dont forget to drop some feedback and tell me how you want this book to go moving forward, I take everything you guys say into consideration.


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