"I'm sorry, I tried. I really did, but its not fair to you if I gave you and I a chance but my heart and mind was somewhere else. You deserve so much more than that and I wish I would've been able to give you what you had hoped for but you deserve someone who could love you with everything in him or her." You responded as you stared into her eyes. You knew this was probably going to be the last time you were going to see her for awhile so you had to make the most of the last moments together.

"I know you did and that's okay. But I do have one request for you." She said as she chewed on her bottom lip nervously, you gave her another soft smile before mumbling a quiet 'of course' which was loud enough for her to hear.

"Can you please kiss me for the first and last time?" She asked as you stared at her with shocked eyes, you stared at her for a moment before deciding you we're going to do at least that one thing for her. You scooted closer to her and you gently placed your hand on her check, you stared in her eyes for a moment to see if this was something she truly wanted but all you could see in her eyes was love and sadness but there was something else there that gave you the confirmation to continue with what she asked of you. You leaned forward as you pressed your lips against hers, your lips moved slowly against each other before you felt something warm hit your lips.

The kiss was filled with so much love and everything she wasn't able to say to you but it was enough to tell you, that no matter what she was always going to wait for you even if she was just going to hurt herself in the end, but she was okay with that. You pulled away slowly as you smiled at the girl who had been in your life since August of 2012 a few months after she joined YG and met your sister, also the day your sister brought you to her company for your birthday and the day you trained under YG for a few years before your parents decided it was okay for them to control your life.

"Now go get your girl Y/N/N. I know she's waiting for you." Chaeyoung said for the first time with a smile that reached her eyes, before you could even say anything she was already dragging you out the studio and pushing you away from her.

"Don't forget to text me and tell me all about it." She shouted even though she sounded happy you knew deep down she wasn't.

Before you could even speak the studio room she was in door shut and that's when you realized you had no choice but to do what she told you. You quickly ran out the building and down to the van you arrived in, before Wooyoung could even ask how it went you were already telling him to take you the SM building because you needed to get your girl back.

It didn't take that long for you guys to get to the building and you were already flying out the van and to the one place you knew Karina was going to be during this time and that was the dance studio. She was always there cause dance was her escape from everything that goes on in her head, it was also one your favorite things to do together cause she taught you new things as you did the same for her.

Once you were inching closer to their practice room the music to need to know by dojo cat started to get louder the closer you got to the door, each step you took you grew nervous as your hands grew clammy and your thoughts in your mind telling you to turn around and that maybe she didn't want to be with you anymore.

But there was also your gut telling you that this was probably the best decision you'd ever make other than becoming a idol and dating Karina. You never were the one to ignore your gut feeling so you pushed the nervous thoughts out your head before walking into the practice room, where you were met with karina staring intently into the mirror as she wore a long sleeve white crop and some black sweat pants and white air forces. She seemed really into the dance she was working on that she hadn't noticed you were standing off to the side.

You didn't know if you should let her know you were in the room or not but once you had noticed her glancing over to where you were every 10 seconds you had already figured she noticed you were there but she just chose to ignore you. You groaned loudly after the 20th time she glanced at you before making your way over to her.

"Jimin stop. I need to talk to you, please." You spoke loud enough for her to hear you, she stood in her place debating if she should hear what you had to say but ultimately deciding to hear you out because she knew how stubborn you were and knew if she continued to act like you didn't exist you were just going to annoy her til she listened to and she rather not deal with that.

"What do you want Y/N." She said with an aggravated tone in her voice, which caused you to furrow your eyebrows but you quickly relaxed your face once you realized she had every reason to be annoyed with you.

"I love you, I've always have. I don't really know why it took me this long to realize my feelings for you never left and that they never are going too. I'm meant to be with you and I know I probably lost you for making you go through something like this and I'm so sorry. But please believe me when I tell you that I would never put you through something like this ever again and you are the only person who will ever have my attention and my heart because my heart truly does belong to you." You told her as your eyes were trained on your feet due to the fear of looking into her eyes but you had failed to realize the grin that was spread across her face from the confession.

"Y/N/N, I love you too. You shouldn't be the only one apologizing, I've put you through some pretty messed up things also and you didn't deserve that when all you've been was a loving boyfriend to me. From now on I will listen to you and trust everything you say because I know you wouldn't lie to me and I know where your heart truly is. You mean so much to me and this time apart made me realize I really couldn't live without you and I am sorry for also hurting you." She spoke softly as you glanced up at her, the smile on her face causing your heart to beat fast as if it was being resurrected after not beating for so long.

It felt like in this moment the only person whoever truly mattered was her and it's always been like this but you truly noticed that right here is where you were truly meant to be. In front of her telling her how you truly felt, it was like this was truly your purpose was to be with her.

"I know it won't be easy for us to act like everything is fine between us, but I do truly want to be with you. So if you will allow me to start over and truly be the man for you that I should've been from the start- " You spoke before you were cut off by Karina.

"Y/N, you talk too much. Just shut up and kiss me." She spoke before she stepped forward pressing a passionate kiss on your lips, you felt as if you were melting into a puddle as her lips molded perfectly against yours. After a few moments you pulled away with a gentle smile on your face.

"So is that a Yes?" You asked as you stared at her with the widest smile on your face.

"What do you think?" She asked with an eye roll only to have a giggle fall from her lips shortly after.

You laughed shortly after before pressing your lips against her soft ones, wrapping your arms around her waist to pull her close afraid that she was going to leave but deep down you knew she wasn't going anywhere.

Because in this moment the only people who mattered were you two.


due to the fact that i broke rosé heart i decided that she deserves a spin off book on what it would've been like if you chose her instead of karina.

this idea came to mind while i was writing this chapter because i was tearing up a bit as i was breaking her heart caused my stink deserves so much more.

but anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and aren't really mad at who he chose but i think you guys already expected him to pick karina cause well..

but from this moment on the story is going to get brighter, which means fluff and annoyingly adorable interactions between you and karina.

It was so hard writing these chapters without wanting to be really cute with karina cause that's my baby fr but i hope you guys are looking forward to the cute moments that won't stress you out.

also leave some feedback please. 😁😁


next to you ✶ yu jiminOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora