"Oh is that suppose to be a challenge, we definitely will be getting you out that dorm this isn't a threat this is a promise." Your father chuckled evilly as you felt yourself cower a bit in fear, he was very keen on keeping your promise. Even though you were scared you weren't going to let them know you were, you were never going to show them you were weak not anymore.

"I'll be waiting, because I know who will be leaving the dorm and it certainly won't be me." You responded before hanging up, as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding before falling onto your knees as you felt tears fall from your eyes as you clutched your chest, you felt like you couldn't breathe and your chest was hurting as you felt yourself began to hyperventilate. Despite how much you tried to calm yourself down you couldn't do it, you felt your throat closing, you heard an opening of a door before hearing a gasp that felt so far away but it was relatively so close.

Minjeong had left the girls studio only to be met with you on the floor having an panic attack, a loud gasp left her lips before she rushed back into the studio grabbing ahold of Karina's arm before pulling her out the room, she along with the other girls were confused on why she seemed so panicked. NingNing and Aeri followed suite to see what had Minjeong so worried before they were also met with you having a hard time breathing.

Jimin quickly escaped Winter's grasp before rushing over to your side before wrapping her arms around you, you jumped at the sudden contact before finding yourself relax a bit. You glanced over to your side being met with one of the only people who was able to calm you down when you had anxiety attacks other than your sister and Rosé.

"I need you to take deep breaths." She spoke so gently but you felt as if your body wasn't going to let you do that. You tried to your best to take deep breaths but each time you tried you felt as if you were suffocating.

"I can't." You spoke but it was barely above a whisper but luckily she heard you, Jimin looked up at her friends basically asking them to help her move you somewhere that was more comfortable and somewhere you wouldn't be crowded by so many people just in case people wanted to see what was going on outside, they all quickly helped you to your feet as they all moved you to an empty practice room as they sat you down on a couch. Karina looked over at them signaling for them to give you and her some space as they nodded at their leader before leaving the room.

"Y/N/N I need you to look at me." Karina said as she placed both hands on your face as she made you stare at her.

"I'm sorry." She said before crashing her lips against yours causing you to stare in shock because you didn't expect her to kiss you, she gently moved her lips against hers as you kissed her back. You guys stayed like this for a moment before pulling away.

You stared at her in confusion and once she had noticed the confused look on your face, she let a gentle chuckle.

"I read somewhere that when someone is having a panic attack making them hold their breath is a good way to help ease their mind and the only thing I could think of was kissing you since it required holding your breath, I'm sorry for doing it so abruptly." She spoke as you couldn't help but smile to yourself, even though you guys were no longer together she still did whatever she could to help you.

"Thank you, it helped me a lot." You told her with a gentle smile on your face, that caused her heart to skip a beat. One thing about Karina, she loved your smile more than anything in this world and to know she was the reason you were smiling only made her a lot happier.

"You're welcome, I would do anything for you and you know that." She responded as you felt your smile falter a bit and your heartbreaking some more, she was really one of the kindest people in the world and sucks that you had to hurt her to satisfy Lee Sooman.

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