Carnival games pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Hey, easy now, easy. You took a mighty bad blow earlier, I don't want you straining yourself none," Ellis said, sitting her up.

"W-what happened?" Emma asked, looking around and rubbing her head.

"You passed out after that hunter and spitter got you."

"Where are the others?"

"Outside, clearing out the zombies. They wanted to give you and me some space."

Emma started to get up. "We should go join them."

Ellis grabbed her, pulling her down. "Hell no! Emma, you just woke up! Give yourself a break!"


"No buts," Ellis said, face stern. "You need to rest."

Emma sighed, folding her arms. "I don't want to rest! We should be going! That helicopter isn't going to stick around forever! I don't want to be dragging us back!"

Ellis' frown deepened. "Emma, you aren't holding us back, you need to rest! You had us all worried sick after you near died pulling that stupid ass move running off on your own to shut the coaster off! The least you could do right now is just sit down!"

Emma blinked. "I- I almost died?"

Ellis sighed, tilting his cap up and scratching his hairline. "Yeah, you were pretty roughed up. We waited probably an hour for you to wake up... I almost thought you weren't gonna make it."

Emma's face fell, heart aching as she feared she'd upset him. "Oh..."


They were quiet for a few moments, sitting in tense silence. Emma curled into a ball, resting her chin on her knees, rocking back and forth. Ellis sighed, looking at her and touching her shoulder. She looked at his hand, frowning. The touch was unable to comfort her as it usually was. Emma feared too many mistakes had ruined the good thing building between her and Ellis. Was running off a mistake? Should she have stayed and helped? Her gut twisted with the unknown answers, praying she hadn't done irreversible damage.

After another few moments, Emma spoke up. "Are you mad at me?"

Ellis' brows shot to his hairline. "Not at all!" He pulled her into a soft hug. "Emma, you scared the shit outta us, but you did a good thing in the end. I just wish you'd waited for someone to come with you." Ellis sighed, squeezing her. "I know you're tough, but you sure as hell ain't invincible."

Emma sniffled, squeezing him back, a tear of relief escaping. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, I accept your apology. We're all okay now and that's what's most important."

Emma smiled against his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. She was happy to find that he still smelled like lavender detergent, even under all his muck. Ellis let out a content sigh, pressing his cheek to her hair. They cuddled for a bit, no sounds echoing in the room other than their breathing. Ellis placed a kiss on her head, making her giggle. She returned the gesture with a kiss to his scruffy cheek, making him laugh. A knock to the safe room door spooked them.

"Hey, you still alive in there? We finished cleaning up." Nick called through the metal.

"Yeah, we're good!" Ellis said, pulling himself up before helping Emma stand.

Nick entered. "Is she- Oh, hey! You're up!"

Emma nodded, unable to hold back a smile at the sight of him wearing her bag- too small against his frame. "Yeah, I'm okay now."

Nick's brows furrowed as he came over to her and Ellis, looking her up and down. "Are you sure? You don't feel dizzy? You aren't hurting?"

She was flattered by his concern. "I'm fine, I promise."

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