Chapter 10 Senku

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They pulled up to the carnival parking lot. the faire was on the beach, so parking was a short walk to the board walk. parking the car, senku got out and opened the passenger seat door for Gen. Gen got out and smiled at senku, making Senku blush slightly. 

Gen grabbed Senku's hand, interlacing their fingers. Senku had never held hands with anyone, except his father. even in school when made to pair up with someone for whatever reason, he would refuse. But he wasn't refusing now. Gen and Senku walked down from the parking lot down to the board walk. 

They still have their hands entwined as they walk together through the carnival. after walking for a bit, Gen gasped rather loud. Senku looked over at him with a questioning look. Gen was staring at a ring toss booth, or more specifically, the prize inside. there was many different stuffed toys there but Senku knew what Gen was mesmerized by. It was a giant stuffed frog, wearing a wizard robe and hat with a little star shaped wand. 

"I- .....need it..."
Senku was determined to get gen this frog. Gen looked at the frog with a look of such longing that a fire was ignited in senku's heart.

After his hours of sleepless research (he looked up like three YouTube videos), Senku had learned the best tricks for winning faire games. using his new knowledge of how to win in a ring toss Senku went  for it. 
he did not win the frog his first try. or his second. third fourth or fifth. 

finally, after a grueling 13 minuets, the frog was obtained. Gen could not be happier. Just the look on his face made Senku feel that those 5000 yen spent on playing the game was worth it.
Looking at his boyfriend happily walk down the boardwalk with a huge frog wizard made his heart flutter.
wait- boyfriend?.. are we dating ?

While Senku pondered this important question he felt a tug on his sleeve. 
"Senku-channnnnn!", the words brought Senku back to reality, "Nico and I want funnel cake", Gen said with a face that could best be described as ":>". 

"who's Nico..?"
"The frog hehe"

alright, funnel cake it is. Senku payed and gen waited. Funnel cake, not something Senku particularly enjoyed but Gen seemed to like anything even remotely sweet. after the cake Gen pulled senku to play multiple random games. these included a haunted house (Gen held onto Senku's sleeve for dear life) a lil duck fishing game, a least three times Gen stopped to get cola, and countless other games. 

it was getting dark. fireworks would be starting soon, and senku had just the place the be for it. He gabbed Gen by the hand and lead him over to the Ferris wheel. the line was long but not unreasonable. once they got on they where both exited. Gen, Senku. and Nico too sat in the Ferris wheel.  Gen talked for a while about slight of hand or something. once they got to the top, senku looked over at gen. 

"can I kiss you?" 
senku's questions where not answered with words. rather, a kiss on his lips. just as they kissed, the fireworks started. 

"you dont have to ask every time, I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?"

So he saw Senku as his boyfriend too. Nice. 


sorry for being dead I just really didn't feel like writing T-T #hahawritersblock 

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