chapter 4 Gen

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Gen felt foolish. Had he really given his number to a complete stranger? He barely even knew this guy's name from their brief encounter, and now he couldn't even recall it due to his nervousness. He reflected on the first time he had noticed him, just a few weeks ago. It had been a regular day, with Gen performing his show as usual. This guy stood out in the audience, catching Gen's attention. There was something about the way he gazed at him in awe that lingered in Gen's mind. It gave off a different vibe, as if he was captivated not just by the magic or the spectacle, but by Gen himself. "That sounds ridiculous," Gen argued with himself. "Everyone was looking at me, but he seemed focused on me as a person, not just my performance. It felt like his deep red eyes were peering into my soul. It sounds strange when I put it that way, but there was a genuine fascination in his gaze."

When Gen returned to his apartment, he collapsed on his bed, feeling utterly exhausted. Maintaining his public persona could be challenging, despite the decent pay he received. He still couldn't believe people were willing to spend so much just to see him. He was famous, in a sense, but it still felt surreal. Then, a thought crossed his mind, one that hadn't occurred to him before. Had this person paid 50,000 yen just to meet him? The idea embarrassed him slightly. If they did meet, would they bring it up? "He came alone, so he must have wanted to see me," Gen mused. In an attempt to offset the expense, he decided he would cover their future dinner expenses, although he quickly dismissed the thought as getting ahead of himself.

Gen's phone vibrated on the table nearby, causing his heart to skip a beat. He eagerly grabbed his phone and checked the sender. Oh... it was just a notification from DoorDash. He had ordered some food on his way home. Due to his cat's aversion to the doorbell, Gen had instructed the delivery person to leave the food at the door and send a text instead. He got up, retrieved the takeaway from the door, and sat back down to eat. Then, his phone vibrated once again. Lost in his meal, he absentmindedly picked it up and checked the new message.
Unknown number... Now who could this be? He opened the text, unsure of what to expect. It could be a scam, a prank, or maybe... him.
"Hey. Is this Asagiri Gen?"
Gen's heart raced as he read the message. It was him. It had to be. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his excitement in check. He didn't want to appear desperate or get his hopes up prematurely.
"Hello! This is Asagiri Gen. May I ask who I am speaking to?"
"Ishigami Senku. From the meet and greet."

Gen's mind whirled with a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration. This was the person he had been hoping to hear from. He couldn't help but utter a soft, "Shiiiiiii-"With a rush of anticipation, Gen eagerly typed his reply, his heart pounding in his chest.

newfound feelingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora