Chapter 8 Gen

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Gen stood in the doorway, his gaze fixed on Senku in awe. He seemed to have momentarily zoned out, rooted to the spot, until Senku's smile broke him out of his trance. Nervously, Gen walked over to the table where Senku was sitting, a shy smile gracing his lips.
"You look really nice today," Gen stuttered, feeling unusually flustered and unsure of what to say. As a mentalist, he was accustomed to being calm, collected, and articulate. But in the presence of someone he found attractive, he couldn't help but stumble over his words.
Senku smiled warmly and thanked him, returning the compliment and assuring Gen that he looked nice as well. Gen took a deep breath and settled into his seat at the table. He struggled to find something to say, feeling a rare lapse in his ability to keep up a conversation. Despite their effortless hours-long text exchanges, meeting in person seemed to have blanked Gen's mind.
Senku chuckled at Gen's awkwardness, his laughter causing Gen to nervously chuckle in response. Senku found Gen's nervousness endearing and silently labeled it as "cute."
Breaking the silence, Gen mustered the courage to ask, "Sooooo... Did you do anything cool in science today?"
A spark ignited in Senku's eyes at the mention of science. He eagerly began to recount his latest scientific endeavor involving carbon ion batteries made from charcoal and zinc. Senku delved into the details, drawing a comparison between constructing batteries and forming rice balls. Gen found himself nodding and smiling, captivated by Senku's enthusiasm for his scientific pursuits.
Suddenly, Gen heard Senku say his name, snapping him out of his thoughts. Startled, he looked up and apologized, "Oh! I'm sorry, what were you saying?"
Senku grinned and asked about Gen's day, recalling that he didn't have work. Gen nodded in affirmation, his nerves still lingering. "Yes! I was just working on a new trick."
Curiosity sparked in Senku's eyes as he requested, "May I see it?"Gen hesitated for a moment, then began a performance that left Senku utterly bewildered. He gagged and raised his hands to his face, revealing a dove that unexpectedly flew out of his mouth and made a swift escape through the restaurant window. Gen flashed a smile, proud of his trick.
Senku stared in disbelief, struggling to process what had just unfolded before his eyes. Slowly, he found his voice and inquired, "Dude, did you have a live bird up your sleeve this whole date? I have so many questions. What were you planning to do if I didn't ask about new tricks? Where did you get that bird? How did you keep it still without me noticing? Just... what? Why?"
Gen looked away, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. "Uh, a magician never reveals his secrets," he replied sheepishly. "Did you not like the trick?"
Senku's laughter broke the tension, and he assured Gen, "No, I did. I'm just... a little confused about the bird." Chuckling, he added, "But I appreciate the effort and surprise factor."
With the atmosphere lightened, both Gen and Senku found themselves momentarily at a loss for words. Gen's mind still swirled with flustered thoughts, while Senku struggled to come up with an appropriate follow-up to Gen spitting out a bird. Fortunately, their conversation shifted when the food Senku had ordered earlier arrived at the table.
They engaged in a conversation about Senku's father, sharing stories of their frequent visits to the restaurant and the support Senku received from his father in pursuing his passion for science. Gen listened attentively, a smile gracing his face as he enjoyed the sweet anecdotes. While his own life might not be as eventful as Senku's, he shared a few stories whenever he could.
As dinner came to an end, Gen insisted on paying the bill, while Senku felt a hint of guilt but didn't object too much. Stepping outside, they found themselves standing together, unsure of what to do next. Gen looked at Senku and offered a soft smile.
"I had fun today," Gen said quietly, his voice filled with sincerity."Me too," Senku replied, his eyes meeting Gen's gaze.
In that moment, Gen felt an overwhelming desire to kiss Senku. Was this the right time? Should he say something first? His thoughts raced, but before he could make a move, Senku leaned in and planted a small, quick kiss on Gen's lips.
Gen's face flushed, his eyes widening with wonder. He looked at Senku, his gaze filled with affection. Senku spoke softly, breaking the silence,

"Yes, Senku?" Gen responded, his voice barely a whisper.
"Next time, don't bring a bird, okay?" Senku smiled mischievously and swiftly darted off in the opposite direction, leaving Gen dazed and standing there, his hand touching his lips as he contemplated the soft and unexpected moment they had shared.
"Next time..." Gen whispered to himself, his heart filled with anticipation and hope.

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