A Run-In with Slone

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"Toona Fish, Get up!" Torin says Slaps him awake. "What is it?" He asks before Torin pulls him aside and Shushes him. The IO Convoy Had Moved To the gas station to Refuel their Truck carrying all of the Alien Tech that they managed to salvage. "The IO, They're here." She says in a Quiet Voice. "You stay Here" she Orders as She Takes Her Dual Fiend hunters Out, before Walking out the Front entrance. "I'll watch the Pump, Make sure Nobody tries to sabotage us." One of The Guards say as Torin Rolls Around to the Back of The Building. "What was that?" The Guard asks before Walking over to where he heard the Noise. Before he can even think, the Guard gets shot in The Chest By an Arrow. "Oh shoot, They Definitely heard that" She says as she Reloads her Crossbows. "What was that?" Slone asks The Guard to Her right, Who Shrugs in response. "Slone is Coming, I gotta Get back inside." Torin says as She Crawls to the Other side of The Gas station's Main Building. "I've found you Now.." Slone says as She aims down her Sights at Torin's Leg, Which happened to be Exposed Slightly. Slone Fires Her Burst Rifle Before Hearing a Quick Shuffling Noise From The other side of the Building. "Woah woah! Torin what Happened?" Toona Fish says as He Sees Blood on Torin's Leg. "I got Shot Twice in the Leg By Slone" She says, Grabbing a Bandage from Their supply Box. "You stay Here this time, Alright?" Toona fish Says before he rips a Pipe out of The Ground via A Missing Tile on the Floor. He Runs Out and Immediately Bonks One of the Guards on the Head, Killing him Instantly. "Back for round Two Huh?" Slone says as She Goes back around The Building. Right as she Turns around Toona Fish Tackles Her to The Ground, Trying his Hardest to Hit Her on the Head with his Pipe. "GET OFF OF ME YOU LITTLE" Slone Shouts before Pushing Toona Fish off Of her and Picking Up her Burst Rifle. "Say Goodbye, Fishy Boy." Slone says while aiming down her Sights on Toona Fish. She Presses the Trigger But no Bullets Come out, But instead a Clicking sound can be Heard, Signifying That She had run out of Ammo. Toona Fish Gets Up And Turns To Face Slone. "You're gonna pay For What you did to my Friend" He says Before running Inside to Help Torin. Slone uses this as a Chance To Escape, Taking The Truck and Driving Away. "Hey Torin, You Okay?" Toona Fish asks, putting the Pipe Down and Examining her Leg which she had Bandaged up By Now. "You Still Bleeding?" Toona Fish asks. Torin Touches the Patch of red on The Bandage before responding with "No, Not anymore Atleast." She says, Holding The Bandage on With One Hand. "We should Get Moving, Who Knows what Other IO units Slone will have if we just wait here, we need to Go." Torin says before standing up. "I'm Gonna need to Limp my way There" Torin says Before Chuckling. Toona Fish Stands up and opens the door to The Gas station. "Well m'lady, Go ahead." Toona fish says jokingly. The Two walk out together and Look at The Radar Dish South of Them, Before making Haste that way.

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