Chapter 6

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Y/N managed to lose Chris by hiding in the interrogation room. He does not know how things in the game have changed when he got into it. First Leon never showed up. Next, zombies and lickers were placed in different areas throughout the station and finally, Chris was suddenly here making him want to have a child with Claire. Not that he was completely against it as he liked some the female Resident Evil characters but he wanted to focus on getting out of here and back to his world.

Y/N: "I think it might be safe to go now. Can't stay in here forever. Oh, what's this?" 

He found a blue box with red jewelry on it and something that seems to fit in the center. He figured that it was the red jewel he had and placed it on the box. The box opened and saw a S.T.A.R.S badge in it. There was also a slider on the back. He moved the slider and a connector came out, revealing to be a USB drive.

Y/N: "Good, now I can get into the S.T.A.R.S armory."

Y/N came out of the interrogation room and started to head for the stairs at the end of the hall. On the way, he heard foot stomps and music but it was faint.

Y/N: "Where is that coming from? It's not Chris, is it? I guess he is a little big but still."

He stopped for a moment and got his shotgun out, aiming at the hall.

Y/N: "Wait, I didn't remember hearing music from him. So it can't be him. Then it might be... Oh, NO!"


A large tall man in a trench coat and a fedora hat broke through the wall and faced Y/N.

A large tall man in a trench coat and a fedora hat broke through the wall and faced Y/N

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Y/N: "Oh, shit! I forgot about him!"

He decided to run through the hole that Mr. X made. He ran across the press room and went through the double doors. He took a right and head for the main hall. Mr. X's theme played as he went after Y/N. 


Mr. X opened the double doors as he continued his pursuit.

Y/N: "Why are the lyrics so perfectly timed?!"

He reached back to the main hall and stopped to figure out which way to go west.

Y/N: "Which way do I need to go? I got the club key and the S.T.A.R.S USB drive so I guess I'll go to the S.T.A.R.S room. Hopefully, I can lose him."

Y/N was heading to the stairs but stopped when he saw Marvin, sitting where he last saw him. Marvin was getting up as he was already zombified.

Y/N: "Marvin, dammit. I'm sorry I couldn't stop this."

He was about to aim his shotgun at Marvin but realized Mr. X was behind him and continued running.


Mr. X punched Marvin out of the way as he went after Y/N. He decided to fire his shotgun at Mr. X to stun him. But it only knocked it's hat off. Mr. X stopped for a moment and had his hand on his head as noticed his hat has fallen off. It clenched it's fists tightly as it glares at Y/N.

Resident Evil 2 x Male Reader (Trapped In A Game)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora