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Twenty-five unsuspecting teenagers boarded a cruise to the all-so famous Resort Islands, where they would spend twenty-four days bathing the luxury and comfort that is the Islands. But, what if things take a turn for the worst, and the twenty-five students end up on the opposing island; the forbidden Jabberwock Islands?

Rumour has it that the islands are heavily cursed, where anyone who steps foot on its many beaches is said to never return to humanity again. It's also said that those who do return back to humanity are lifeless and dead; simple corpses that had died trying to escape from the wrath of the Island.

These twenty-five teens only wanted to have a nice relaxing time, getting away from all the schoolwork and stress they had, but instead they're left with a disastrous twist that leaves them completely and utterly terrified; one of them is actually a murderer who is killing one of them off every passing day.

They don't have a clue who it is, but gradually, as more people die, the answer becomes more clearer. However, who will die before the killer is revealed? Will the killer be revealed? What is going on with the islands strange behaviour? Why is this happening to them?

And most of all...

Who will survive the fatality that is the Jabberwock Islands?


New Murder Mystery Story! *cheers excessively*

So, I have made a few of these in the past, and not all of them have turned out so good (*cough* Knifepoint) but others were not that bad (You're Next). Anyways, I'm starting a new one which will have:

• Better Plots
• More Description
• Better English (lolz)
• No Exclusive Characters (ie: celebrities)

At the end of each chapter, there will be a dead/alive chart, stating the number of dead/alive people and their names in alphabetical order. This is for if you wanna see who's dead or alive instead of reading through it all. Only one will die each chapter, and not all chapters will hold a lot of focus meaning, some who may not get a lot of time in the limelight, may end up dying pretty early without much story. However, I will try my absolute best to make sure everyone has a line or two during each chapter they are alive, and try and give everyone an equal amount of time each chapter.

Couples, as in relationships, may be in place if suggested, though nothing is set in stone just yet; no ships are even being considered right now, but that doesn't mean there won't be any at all.

Updates are not consistent; I may post two in one day, but not have another until a week later. But because of the upcoming holidays, it's likely there will be quite regular updates.

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote!

Jabberwock IslandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora