School Band Practice! Idol AU (WIP)

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Please read the chapter before this one to get a better gist on what the concept is for this episode!

Everyday after school, you hear a spark within an empty highschool. With no clubs or afterschool activities, it's easy to be confused. The strumming of the guitar, the banging of the drums, and the sound of children feeling free almost as if they've escaped their reality.

"ONE! TWO! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!!!" Masaru shouted loudly, guitar in hand. Jataro, being a bit startled started to hit the drums with his two drumsticks, in which he had crafted himself.
Kotoko smiled and began to play her bass, losing herself in the beat of the song.

Monaca clapped her hands and started to play her piano, adding a nice feminine melody to the song.

They all looked toward the middle of the room, where-

"......." Jataro hesitated and stopped playing.
"Uhhhhh- you guys know Nagisa isn't here, righttt...?"

"MANNNN!" Masaru shouted loudly, alarming some of the other students. "WE NEED HIM TO START THE SONG- HE SAID HE BE HERE HOURS AGO!"

Kotoko rushed up to the stubborn red headed boy and touched his shoulder- "Now, now Masaru. Don't waste all your energy worrying about Nagisa! He'll be here~ you know he'd never bail on us."

Monaca was still playing piano, her hands focused on the keys. "Mm....right. Nagisa would never let the warriors and Monaca down, would he?" She lifted her head, giving the rest of the group a innocent, saddened look.

A uninvited silence entered the room, looming over their heads. "N-not to worry Monaca!" Kotoko rushed over from Masaru to Monaca, her heels clicking against the hard, school-like tiling.

They all looked back at her, their instruments lowered, and Jataro's drumsticks peeking from his sleeves. "Uh- Maybe I should go looking for him... besides, I don't think the drums are that important right now anyway..." He looked to the side, moping a bit.

"NO WAY JATARO!" Kotoko shouted, her bass guitar strapped against her chest as she tapped her heels with frustration. "Do you know how annoying it gets to hear you mope all the time?! It's just moping, moping, mope, mope! All day long! Stop acting like a low-life and appreciate yourself for once!"

////To be continued, I just wanted to post this because it's well made!!///

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