New moment

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It was the next day. I woke early than the girls cause no one was in the living room, or they are awake, but just wanna stay in their room I got out of bed and looked at what I was wearing, a black long shirt with baggy black trousers as my PJs

I went downstairs and was still amazed on how trashy they were, I wanted to clean, but my stomach was rumbling so I first made food

Started of with a good fried egg, with bacon and pancakes..... or waffles, pancakes are softer, but waffles have more sugar, fuck it I'll have both, I made pancakes and waffles added a little syrup

That was my breakfast so what if it's unhealthy, it's what I want, don't judge me. Anyway I wanted to sit down and eat, til a certain smell hit my noise turning my hunger into nausea

Y/N- What the hell is that smell

I look around and see the trash room

Y/N- I see the problem, well breakfast wait for me

I took a plastic bag and began, my cleaning, I separate the trash and clothing, putting the clothing on the washing baskets, I threw away the trash with costed ten plastic bags

I then grabbed a mop, bucket of water and soap, then began to clean the room. When I was done I heard talking behind me. I
look to my plate and all the food is gone and the rest was on the forks of the girls that were in bathrobes

Y/N- My food

Ahri- It was good

Y/N- Aren't you all on a diet

Evelynn- Yeah, but we do have cheat days

Y/N- Cheat days, really

Akali- Yeah now make food, eat and come up to my room

Evelynn- Don't fuck

Akali- It's not like you'll do it first

Evelynn- Fair enough

I go to the kitchen make my breakfast again and hid from Evelynn and Ahri from eating my food, when I was done I wash my dish and head up to Akali's room which had it's lights on

When I got in she was in her casual clothing, but her jacket was off, she only had her shirt that came close to her chest

Y/N- Need something

Akali- Yeah take off your shirt

Y/N- Uhh why

Akali- Just do it

I take of my shirt and sit on my bed while I wait for her, she turns around and see looked suprised, even if she had her mask on I could tell because her eyes widened

Akali- Well you have a body

Y/N- So do you

Akali- Whatever, lay down on my bed

I walk to her bed and lay down

Y/N- What are you doing

Akali- Testing this tattoo gun

Y/N- Why on me!!!!

Akali- Cause you're the only person that will help, the others say they don't wanna ruin their skin with ink

Y/N- Fine

I felt her drag the point of the gun, she made on huge ass tattoo cause it went from the top of my spine to my bottom, most of the time she was moving it in a wave motion it would be relaxing if it wasn't painful

Akali- Done, it'll take a while for the swelling to stop

She says as she takes a cloth and rubs my back

Y/N- Okay

Akali- My turn

Y/N- Huh

Akali- I did say that I was testing and since it works, I wanna try

Y/N- But I can't

Akali- Please

Y/N- Fine

I took the gun and took out the blue paint she used on me then I put in red and began to tattoo her back after she took off her shirt, when I was done I wiped her back with a cloth

Akali- Thanks Y/N

Y/N- It's okay, but why is the paint transparent like

Akali- Because it's neon

She switches off the lights and her back glows red with image of a Chinese dragon, I had the same one, but mine was blue

Y/N- Cool

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