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Next morning prisha wake up and get ready for office. She goes towards dining table and finishes her breakfast and leave for office.

She made her way to her car and started to drive. Suddenly, out of nowhere a large lorry truck came in her way. She couldn't stop the car which made her panic, her car crashed into the truck. The next moment she found her car flipped like a toy.

She can't move a bit blood is oozing from her forehead. Her eyes are looking at sky lazily and she called name of Tridev and Tridevi whom she trust with all her heart and with that she closed her eyes.

Prisha's  pov

I felt immense pain in my head, my body is aching from the toe till the head.

Soothing, soft wind, caressed my hair, moving in soothing waves across my cheeks

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Soothing, soft wind, caressed my hair, moving in soothing waves across my cheeks. I groaned in pain and slowly opened my heavy eyes.

The last thing  I remember is car accident am I still alive?Am I in heaven?The scenery is so calming, soothing and fresh. 

As I looked at my surrounding and I am shocked would be an understatement this place look Devine.

A beautiful mountain is shown full of snow and lush greeneries. Everything about this mountain is divine. Even beauty seems more beautiful here grasses are more green, butterflies have brighter wings, the fierce sun, bluer lakes, the spring brings more colour to the gardens. The fragrance of sandalwood, madar, palash and much more wild flowers are floating in the smooth cool breeze blowing lightly. Clouds are floating everywhere. Everything about the place made it more serene. Looks like the whole of nature is showering love and gratitude towards this place adding some of their every essence present in them.

Then I noticed three ladies sitting on my either side. All three were dressed not so normally. Even the brides do not wear this lavel of jewelry. But whatever it is they looked ethereal and divine. And their touch softer and delicate than than that of the finest silk and the softest feather in the world, full of affection.

Okay, now this is confusing

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Okay, now this is confusing.

"Relax prisha, we know that what you are thinking. First of all calm down and have a little of this medicine" the lady said in my language I had no clue what to say so without a word i took whatever she gave me.

I took a deep breath and started "where am i? Who are you guys? Am I in heaven? How did I land up here?how do you know my name".

I felt the other lady's hand tightening in an assuring manner around mine, as if bracing me what was about to come.

"Prisha don't freak out okay? Listen carefully. You are not in kalyug but in kailash and I am parvati, she is devi saraswati and she is devi lakshmi" She said

Okay, where is camera? It is nice prank

"It's not a prank but your reality" How can she read my mind

"Because I am parvati" She said smiling

"You three are devi parvati, devi saraswati and devi lakshmi" I asked with my eyes so wide that if I try to open them any further, my eyeballs will pop out

"Yes prisha" Said the divine being

Without wasting a moment she sat on her feet with tear from her eyes. tridevi made her stand and hugged her, even tridevi was having tears in their eyes of happiness.

"Meeting your mother for the first time and crying not fair!!" exclaimed devi lakshmi

"Mother" I asked in confusion

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