Chapter 2

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                      To care for you bravely

Atsumu picks up the phone.

"Hello Omi kun?"

"Atsumu san it's me..."

"Shoyo kun!?"

"Hinata!? Put the phone on speaker."

Atsumu does as told by Bokuto.

"Where- where are you!?"

"Everyone please calm down first. Actually..."

30 minutes earlier

Hinata was still swinging on the swing trying to get his mind off things he didn't want, but, damn was it hard to not think about Kageyama.

"I really thought we loved each other you know. Understood each..."

"You like talking to air that much?"

Hinata snaps back his neck at the voice coming from behind.

"Omi kun?"

"So reckless."

Sakusa takes the other swing and sits beside Hinata.

"Omi that's dirty!! But what are you doing here in the first place?!"

Sakusa starts speaking very quietly but Hinata could hear.

"Heard the idiots talking to you. Figured where you are. Came to get you faster. That's all."

Hinata was surprised.  Surprised that even him cared. Atleast more than Kageyama.

The moon being the only source of light, Hinata looks at Sakusa.

He smiles.

"Thanks for coming and getting me Omi kun."

But what Sakusa saw first wasn't the smile. It was the tears that were coming out of Hinata's eyes that were meant to smile. Always.
Sakusa felt so much anger towards Kageyama but he was trying. Trying to hold back. He didn't wanna hurt Hinata.  He cursed Kageyama in his mind. Cursed himself. If only he had the courage to confess. But he can't. He didn't wanna confuse Shoyo. Or hurt him. He knew how much he loved Kageyama. But it broke his heart to see him so 'broken' and lost.

'Hey I'm here if you wanna cry. If you want a hand to hold you tight. I'm here.'
But no he can't say them.

Sakusa just turns his face in other direction, fidgeting into his pockets.


Sakusa was offering his handkerchief to Hinata.


Hinata looks confusingly at Sakusa.

"It'll get dirty Omi-"

"Just keep it. Let's go home. This area isn't safe."


They both walk back to Sakusa's car.


"Oh so that's why Omi kun disappeared all of a sudden. Here we thought he went home."

"You think I'm that heartless Miya?"

"No but Bokkun do."

"Hey I was just worried about Hinata okay!?"

"Yeah yeah we know."

Meian asks Hinata through the phone,

"Where will you be staying Hinata?"

Atsumu and Bokuto go quiet, along with Hinata.
That's right. He didn't have anywhere to go. But he didn't wanna worry them.

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