He's back...

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Quackitys Pov:

Wait its really happening... I'm a senior, my last year , Not going to collage and moving in with my two best friends after school. I'm happy that I will see my friends everyday but scared when i talk to them I feel something.. I'm sure its nothing but you know what its just maybe i get shy or no no no its nothing

I am currently laying on my back on my bed with my blue led lights on listening to music on a Saturday night, All of a sudden i hear a noise coming from my phone. Great its schlatt I still cant believe  he found my number but maybe someone is pranking me cause it cant be he was dead...

annoying guy

Schlatt: Hey honey

Me: stop calling me that we are not together

Me: but really stop whoever this stop pranking me its not funny at all

Schlatt: honey its not a prank I'm here 

Me: but i saw you on the floor...dead

Schlatt: well im not this is real im here for you again 😘

Me: no no no

Schlatt: Yes.. go the local park at 12am see you there

Me: fine.


This cant be happening its not him right..?? but if it is what do i do...what do i say like its at night not like i can do anything.. maybe i should tell someone but what if its not him i need to find out first....

I decide to call bad to tell him i will be out 

" hey bad" i say into my phone " Hey quackity!!" he answers " just letting you know im going out tonight but feel free to come to my house at 8am and we can go out for coffee " i say to him just incase something happens and im not home he will know " ohh ok sure but what are you doing" the thing is bad knows all about schlatt the whole story but he will not be happy if he knows im seeing him " just out with a old friend " i say we used to be so its not a complete lie " ohh ok well see you tomorrow" he answers " yeah see you tomorrow...bye" i hang up i hope nothing really goes bad...

-------- time skip to 11:55pm

Its time i meet up with schlatt for the first time in well 2 years now pretty much... since what happened and sine we were dating you could call it 

I start to walk to the park it only takes about 3 minuets to get there so i start to head there I'm getting all nervous I'm playing with my hands and looking down at the floor scared to look up but I'm almost there so i look up and try not to look scared and look cool you know cause I'm cool and hot but still  

I look up and start to walk to the entrance of the park,and there he was... schlatt standing there smirking. Here i go time to talk its really him wow... 

" Hey baby" he says walking to me stroking the hair that hangs outside my beanie " schlatt don't" i say pushing his hand away " oh so sad why so sad im here did you miss me " he says " no not at all why are you here " I just wanted to see my baby again i missed you " ugh he is so gross but if i get all bitchy things can get way worse for me " well what do you want schlatt " i ask him  " I wanted to hang with you " he smirks, that's no good i wanna say no i really do but i dont want him after me so i just go along " ok what should we do " i ask " lets go back to my place in my nice car" he says grabbing my hand.. i want to pull away but i just stand there i hope nothing bad happens " ok fine lets go " i say " that's my baby ok lets go " he answers 

He takes me to his car and we head to my house the car ride was silent but he would look at me and smile.. kinda creepy cant believe im doing this i need to be home by 8am but that may not happen i hope bad notices 

" here we are " schlatt says getting out of the car showing his house not like i haven't been here before and we head in and i sit on the couch " now what " i say " well want anything to drink" i know what that meant ik sometime i joke about drinking alot with my friends but it scares me when people drink around me " oh no im good " i answer " oh ok im going to grab something and i will be right there stay put" we all know what he is getting ahh yes there he is grabbing whiskey 

--why did i write so much anyway----

"so why dont we watch a movie " schlatt says sitting veryyy close to me "yea sure ig " i say im very un comfortable but i need him to think we are ok "ok i will put one on" he says I honestly dont care what one all i am thinking is about leaving school, leaving town and living with my 2 friends " 

30 minuets into the movie he is definitely drunk he starts putting his arm around me getting all touchy " hey sure you dont wanna drink " he slurred " no im good " i answer " nah im getting you one" he says, this will not end up good im going end up drinking why do i do this to myself why this is all my fault... my fault he chose me and wanted me its my fault he got drunk and hurt me and made me do things this is my fault...

" here you go drink it " he says handing me some whiskey " thanks.." i say then he sits down next to me and puts his arm around me ad we finish the movie...


Just like that we both are very drunk him drinking a lot him making me drink more... i felt like i was going to throw up its Sunday morning i have school tomorrow 

He was all over me and since i was drunk he could make me do anything or yes to anything.. and like that he started to kiss me.. it felt so wrong and not right why why i cant stop why did i drink its my fault what are my friends going to think of me ...

After he kissed me we went back to another movie.. we have been watching movies and drink all night just so he could get close to me why did this happen to me why did i let it happen

---7:55am ---

We were even more drunk i check my phone and its 7:55 am oh no bad is probably heading to my house i need to go.." hey schlatt i need to go now" i say backing off of him" Quackity no you can stay here more aren't you having fun lets go to my room" he says and then like that he takes me to his room what am i doing i cant even stop cause he got me so drunk, I hope find figures it out he is smart he will know. 

Just like that we are on his bed kissing... im praying for bad

----hehe had to add so dsmp stuff with quackity and schlatt i promise it will be over  soon maybe.....------

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