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( this will be pov's from each karl sapnap and quackity to get the idea of school before they meet each other maybe they wont meet till summer or till next school year?)

Karls pov:

Its about 6am school starts at 7am I woke up earlier then I usually do I mean waking up an hour before school is good but maybe I hate waking up early. Well since I'm  up early might as well take a shower before skeppy gets here. he usually walks here since he lives close and my mom takes us to school. I go into the bathroom and I take my phone and play music for when I get into the shower. The first thing that plays is "I wanna be your by Artic Monkeys"

I get out of the shower and I get dressed into some tan pants and a red sweater with a collar and I brush my teeth and head downstairs. " hey honey want breakfast?" my mom says while I make my way down stairs " no thanks i think skeppy show be here soon I don't wanna make us late" i say she nods and i think she was getter her keys for when skeppy  gets here 

i hear a nock on the door im pretty sure skeepy is here well time to go school...

"MOM SKEPPY IS HERE LETS GET GOING SO WE ARE NOT LATE" i say to my mom who is upstairs 

i open the door to say hi to skeppy" hey skeppy" i say " heyy karl ready for school" 

"ig its also the same but just think we only have a week left and we can hang out at the park with wilbur and everyone else" i say playfully hitting his shoulder " yea true i cant wait and then we will be seniors... its kinds scary"  he says back " yea but then we can drive to school and be all cool" i add while smiling 

------- time skip to school--------

" Ugh here we are lets go" skeppy nods and we head into the building waiting for school to start we just lean against our lockers while we wait. I look over to see skeppy smiling at his phone again its everyday before school... i bet its his friend bad. "hey is that bad again is that why you are smiling " i smirk "HUH WHAT uhh NO huh how did you know" he says while hiding his phone "well you are also talking to bed and also laugh at his texts" " no i dont do that he is just talking about his school friend and the funny stories from school" i make a" hmm sure face" 


the rest of the pov's will be at school im lazy and dont wanna write the morning's  sapnaps may be near the end of the day and at home 

 Quackitys pov:

I'm at lunch waiting for my friend Bad to show up we don't have that many classes together besides English. While i wait i pull out my phone and send a selfie of me at lunch to send my my online friend george. then a few seconds later he replys "always wearing that dumb beanie "

I smile and text back "come on man its my brand surprised your not asleep rn" he just sends the "😒" emoji then finally bad shows up 15 minuets late we have lime 15 more left of lunch " why were you so late today ik you are late but really..were you doing drugs in the bathroom" I smirk

"QUACKITY NO i was calling skeppy in the bathroom  yk my online friend " "OHH so like Phone sex ohh i see you bad" i say back " Language quackity...." 

I laugh and we enjoy our lunch were i mostly make jokes and then i got a text from George

Sleeping man:  ugh you would get along with my friend sapnap he wont stop making sleeping and drug jokes both such annoying 

hmm wait who the fuck is sapnap what a weird name 

Me: huh whos sapnap well whoever he is a smart man


next pov sorry for short one its hard to do i wanna get into the texting parts 

( this pov is the same time George texted quackity about sapnap for the first time)

sapnaps pov:

"George what are you doing?" i said as he is on his phone as we are walking to our last class(time zones that's why they are almost done) "i was telling my friend you and him would be great friends" i wonder who he talking about never mentioned anyone else maybe thats who he talk to all day in class " who is this ?" he rolls his eyes and says " none of your business but he said you are a smart man" - " SEE I AM SMART GUYS GEORGES LITTLE FRIEND SAID SO " i laugh "yeah or he is being nice he doesn't know you cause you are a idiot " dream says casually as we walk into our final class  i just roll my eyes at him

--- time skip to them walking home from school-

" Guys next year we will be seniors so weird" i say " yeah it feels like a dream cause George is actually moving to the next grade" dream wheezes while looking at George giving him a look " you guys are so mean i worked so hard this year ok"  " yeah if sleeping is working hard" " haha nice one sapnap " dream says as he high fives me then George playfully pushes dream and says " beat you to my house " 

"your on " he said " you both are idiots " i say while i follow them 


hey guys got kinda lazy this was just idea about their school did not add wilbur tommy tubbo or ranboo yet they will be added more when its the groupchats:)

its 1am sorry its not the best i also feel a bit sick so sorry about that

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