3. Stay calm, don't turn...Screw it!

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Jaune was now soaring into the air closeing his eyes. He hoped to who ever listing to him, help him before he turned his nightmare into reality. He didn't scream, he didn't flail, he only did his his best to calm himself. He felt it, gravity finally doing it's work, hurtling torwards the ground. He worked double time in order to keep calm. As he got closer and closer he suddenly felt something, or this case someONE catch him, he didn't open his eyes even when the person landed. He was sat down on his two feet but he looked down to the ground.

Jaune: Thank you.

That's when heard the familiar voice of the only other person who was blond. Yang was the one who saved him...saved others.

Yang: You're welcome there Mr. Moody. I wanna talk but before I do, why aren't you looking at me?

Jaune: You heard how teammates are created? Then that's why I haven't looked at you. I figure you would not want to be my partner.

Yang: You can be my partner, honestly it's better then teaming up with someone I don't know...Like Ice-Queen.

Jaune just signed looking up and looked at Yang. They were now officially partners. He scratched his head a bit before he started to walk in the direction they were supposed to go.

Jaune: Well, ask what you want...I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Yang simply followed.

Yang: Let's start with the simple things...like Where's you're weapon? You don't seem to be carrying anything on you. Hell I have my gauntlets for extra fire power.

Jaune: well...you can technically say that I am my own weapon.

Yang just looked at him for a moment not really sure what to make of that. Not believing it in the slightest. Sure last night he did seem pretty fit, and seems he could hold his own for a bit, but nothing that screamed dangerous.

Jaune: ...I would take that as a compliment.

Yang's eyes widened in shocked before looking away in embarrassment whistling innocently. Jaune simply let out a dry chuckle.

Jaune: I mean sure I don't seem like much, my medical condition would show you otherwise.

Yang: Ruby told me about that. Mind explaining what that has to do with you can't having friends? It seemed to hurt her.

Jaune: You don't think I know that? I would like to have friends, I'd like to do normal things. But I can't, the reason why? Well like I stated earlier.

Jaune glanced to Yang, and spoke in a tone that made her shiver slightly.

Jaune: My little medical condition would simply take it away from me.


Ruby was running through the forests scanning the area desperately. She wanted to find a partner. Someone like Yang, Blake, heck anyone who seems nice. Jaune was a good pick, though he seemed a bit Moody. And although he said he can't make friends, she still classified him as her first friend. He was nice enough to help. And just like he helped her, even when he most likely didn't want to make friends, she would help him! But for now she needed a partner she saw someone ahead of her and slide to a stop. She looked torwards them and the other person turned to make eye contact with them. It was a red headed girl, with emerald green eyes. She looked like a warrior from her stories from when Yang read to her at night. Smiling to her happily.

 Smiling to her happily

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