The girl shot him a victorious grin, before walking away. Daryl almost felt happy but the feeling quickly faded when she returned. Oh dear lord.

She had a news paper in her hand and walked back up to him, snatching the pen from his front breast pocket, "What the hell?" Daryl said angrily.

However she just ignored him, he stopped for a moment letting his curiosity take over as he watched her. She flipped through the paper before using the pen to scribble something and then ripping out the section of the page she had scribbled on. She folded it in half and handed it to the man, slipping the pen back in his pocket.

Daryl opened the folded paper with narrowed eyes. It was the daily horiscope... well a piece of it at least, the Capricorn section. But where the neatly printed horiscope was written her writing was sratched on top of it in black ink. She had written over it.

'You will meet an annoying girl, give her coffee and she'll go away.'

He looked up at her and growled, "Fine." she smiled again, why the hell did she smile so much? So he did, he gave her a cup of coffee which she thanked him for and then told her how much it'd be. $2.50, she handed him a 20. She tapped the small piece of paper with his horiscope that he had set down on the counter, "You should keep it in your wallet, might bring you luck one day."

Then she turned to leave, "Yer change lady." Daryl called.

"Consider it compensation for talking your ears off." she told him before walking out the door. Daryl glanced at the piece of paper on the counter, he grabbed it quickly shoving it into his back pocket before getting back to work.


It had been a week since the girl came into the diner, and Daryl found himself not being able to get her out of his head. He still had that tiny piece of news paper now tucked into his wallet. He was working a late shift at the diner, Liam was back and Dan was cooking in the kitchen. Things had finally calmed down and Daryl was back to the old stuff, no more dealing with customers.

He didn't look up right away as the bell rang, in the middle of wiping down a table. "I need coffee." he heard that famier voice say. The one he hadn't been able to get out of his mind for days. Liam moved around the counter getting the girl her drink, "Ill take a piece of pie too." she told him.

"You want a table?"

Her eyes flicked over to Daryl for a brief second, "Yeah I'm staying"

"Sit anywhere you'd like then."

At liams words she walked over to one of the seats near the windows, giving Daryl enough time to actually take a good look at her. He knew she was pretty before but now that he actually had time to take her in she was a total knockout. She had lone brown hair that fell in waves down her back, and her eyes were a dark shade of brown that glimmered when the light hit her just right. She had long legs and a nice figure, she was damn near perfect.

The table she chose to sit at gave him an excuse to speak, "That one ain't clean." he informed her as if it wasn't obvious.

"I know," she said, "Thats why I chose it," she continued as Daryl walked over and she smiled, "Otherwise what reason would you have to come over here."

Daryl just scoffed at her words, if he didn't know any better he'd say she was flirting, but girls like that didn't flirt with guys like him. Liam came over with her pie and coffee and set it on the table for her, she thanked him and then the two were alone again.

Daryl Dixon One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now