chapter two

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a//n:: lol ive been gone for a bit

Saturday rolled around, and Dani has been keeping the ring in his pocket since he found it. Though ever since then, he always felt like there was a presence with him, or watching him. It wasn't the type to make him go crazy, or the type to even bug him. Though, he did usually just ignore it the best he could. He didn't really mind the feeling he got when he held the ring.

Just like today, when he got out of bed to get ready for the day. He picked the ring up from his nightstand and he felt a small chill run down his spine. Maybe this should have freaked him out, and perhaps he should have left the silver piece of jewelry alone the first time this happened. But the feelings he had obtained with the ring was..


And he thought about this to himself as he got dressed. The presence wasn't threatening, it was almost friendly. Sure the fact that he feels like he's being watched isn't pleasant, per se, but other than that he liked it. He couldn't put a finger on what he felt exactly. The best he could describe it is as.. a content, calming feeling. Like how you would feel when you are wrapped up in a cozy blanket and reading a book, or watching a movie.

Dani looked down at his empty bowl of cereal and didn't even realize that he finished eating.. or that he started eating.. or that he even went downstairs. It's crazy how when you're deep in thought, your body goes on autopilot for you. He put everything away, then sighed and started on his chores.

It was a beautiful day outside, just like the day he found the sun ring. His parents had their days off today, so naturally he stayed away from them the best he could. He made sure to do all his chores beforehand so they wouldn't get angry later on. Doing his work basically meant he was free to do whatever he wanted, as long as it wasn't bothering them.

The silver ring was rolled around and played with between his fingers as he walked around the neighborhood. Yeah it didn't fit him, but it made for a nice fidget toy. The thought of him finding the owner left his mind eventually, because let's be honest.. this may be a small town but what is the chance that he will actually find the person who owns it?

He has decided to keep it.

His friends invited him over to hang out, which is where he was walking to. He took the long way, because he wouldn't want to waste such a beautiful day.

The birds were chirping, there was a nice, cooling wind, and the temperature was just right. He deserved a little alone time.

But, this moment could not last forever. He eventually did decide to walk down directly to Raine's house, where they were meeting up.

He entered the house, and noticed they were all sitting on the couch "Hey guys."

The redhead waved at him, "'Sup bitch."

Dani rolled his eyes and sat next to Jason, "Shut up, Henry." Raine giggled, "You guys are idiots."

"Yeah whatever.. What's the plan for today?" Dani said, grabbing a bag of chips from the table and snacking on them.

"We were thinking of checking out that house." Henry said.

"What house?"

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