"Wonwoo, you can go" Jeonghan instructed as Wonwoo went to Woong slowly and silently. "Shoulder or waist?" He asked Woong politely. "Waist is fine" Woong replied and Wonwoo put his hand on her waist and touched his head to hers. She was surprised by sudden contact but just went along with it. "Look at them! They're wearing couple outfits!" Seungkwan exclaimed making the couple shy. "Shall we look at each other?" Jeonghan sneakily suggested next pose through the chaos and they followed his idea.

As soon as they made an eye contact Wonwoo held Woong's hands. "You're looking extremely gorgeous, Woo" Wonwoo whispered while holding her hands tight. Woong froze for a moment but got away from him."Food is here!" Someone exclaimed. Jeonghan told Woong to get seated for the lunch and went to Wonwoo. "I know it must've been difficult to understand her reaction but I would suggest if you are serious about your feelings then you should propose to her formally." Jeonghan spoke quietly and went next to Joshua for the lunch. Wonwoo got seated and coincidently he sat in front of Woong. Woong was sitting between Minghao and Seokmin.

"What happened Woo? Why are you so flustered red?" Minghao whispered asked her. "I'll tell you that later" She replied. "Thank you for the food!" Everyone exclaimed and started eating. "Let's raise a toast for our studycafe!!" Mingyu exclaimed as everyone held their glasses up high. Everyone took a sip of their drink and continued eating.

"Food is great!" "Yeah, Vernon tell your friend our feedback!!" "I guess it's because our event went smoothly?" Vernon asked modestly, "That's true! I never knew Woong could do such a great hosting!" "That too in Chinese!!" "Everyone made it possible actually, I really want to thank everyone, it was a great show because everyone completed their part of work without complaints" Woong replied.

"Woo, Can I take at least one of your gems? They're all so good with their work!" Seungcheol spoke. "Noo!! You can't because they'll never leave me and also, you have Wonwoo who does everyone's work for you, why do you even need my team, ha?" "Stop complimenting him sneakily" Minghao whispered.

"Did you just complimented Wonwoo hyung?" Seungkwan teased while Wonwoo looked at her for response. "What was I sayin? You did a great job team!" Woong tried to change the topic while raising her glass for another toast. Everyone joined her laughing. "Look at her, all blushing" Seungcheol pointed out. Wonwoo smiled to himself. He was happy by the fact Woong mentioned him as a capable and responsible person.


"Woo, I think that's enough, my mom can make it for me alright" Vernon tried stopping Woong who had been making various side dishes for Vernon. "It's fine Vernon, let your mom also have some of it" Minghao said feeding him a piece of kimchi. "Oh that actually tastes like my grandma's, damn Woo" Vernon complimented and Woong smiled. She had made various types of kimchi and she was currently packing them all up in an air tight container.

"Did you pack everything? Check again" Mingyu came, "Yeah, I've got everything, just these containers that Woo is packing" Vernon replied as he checked everything. "Should I come with you? To LA?" Woong asked making everyone surprised.

"Woo, just like I'm needed there, you're needed here, you can come there for my birthday alright?" Vernon convinced her softly and she just looked down nodding. Woong was about to say something until Vernon got a call and excused himself.

Vernon had got a call from the Chinese branch saying he is needed there for some signatures urgently. "I'll have to go to the office now" Vernon declared, "great! now stay here for one more day" Woong suggested. "Woo, I can't, I have some meetings lined up as soon as I get in LA" Vernon replied. "Let's do one thing then, you come to airport directly from your office. We'll get your bags from here" Mingyu suggested. "That's good, I'll leave now, I'll call you guys" Vernon waved as he left hurriedly.

They all packed the containers and kept ready his bags. "I'll drive" Mingyu said, and others loaded the bags. Areum and Minghao loaded the bags in their hands and got in the car. Woong was the last one to load the bag and she got in the car.

Wonwoo who happened to look at the car from back just noticed Woong loading a bag and getting in the car. He panicked thinking Woong was leaving somewhere. He tried running behind the car but Mingyu didn't notice him. He then tried calling Woong but Woong wasn't answering his call making him more worried. He asked Seungcheol about it.

"Oh? Woong is also going?" Seungcheol asked back. "What do you mean?" "Vernon is leaving today right? She must be going with him to LA" Seungcheol answered nonchalantly. Wonwoo panicked and left hurriedly for the airport.

No. I can't let her leave this time. I have to get to her and confess. I can't make the same mistake again. This time. I won't lose her...

So! There you have it! Two chapters! I'm extremely sorry for pausing the book for so long but I had to make some changes in the book. I'll try to update it more frequently now that I'm done with the editing. Also, there are some scenes changed in some chapters so please take some time to read the book again!

Now. What do you guys think? Will Wonwoo finally confess? Let me know your thoughts through the comment section. I love to read your comments!
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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