You Must Remember This || Review by Peggy

29 3 2

Review By Peggy (Peggy_J)

Title: You Must Remember This


(No. chapters reviewed: 20)

Cover and Title (2/5): 

The cover is really not aesthetically pleasing, in my opinion - the picture is pixelated strangely so you can't really see what's going on, some parts being more pixelated than others, and I don't really like your colour scheme. It feels a bit murky. The title is positioned quite awkwardly at the top of the page so it's hard to see and I don't like the font, either.

Blurb (4.5/5):

Your blurb is fun, gripping and unique! You've introduced the stakes well and I'd say you've succeeded in making potential readers want to read more. Frank sounds fascinating - you've established him as different to the norm without saying that directly.

The sentences here are a bit too long, therefore can sometimes get confusing; this is a general theme throughout your book. I don't really mind this, and I'd say it matches the tone of the story, but other people might not like this so munch.

Plot and originality (5/5)

I've never really read a story like this before, neither in nor out of Wattpad. Your story is truly unique in all the good ways, with a funny plot, dynamic characters and detailed twists presented in a way I've never really read before. Your plot is not too simple, although us readers can easily follow what goes on. The plot is well-paced and enjoyable too.

Structure and writing style (4.5/5):

You write in excellent detail, not telling but showing us readers the characters and their scenes without giving away too much. Your narrative voice is funny, gripping and has its own unique personality, making the scenes and characters even more interesting. I love when you describe all the individual characters - you make some of the blandest people, like John, seem interesting.

I also love the structure of your story, which is very clear and not too fast paced. Like the blurb, your sentences are very long but this goes well with the tone.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar (5/5):

From what I've seen, your spelling, punctuation and grammar is absolutely perfect. As much as I've tried, I can't see any common grammar/punctuation mistakes and I also can't find any typos. I often notice spelling mistakes so you've done a really good job here - well done!

Characters (5/5):

All the characters are extremely dynamic and believable; I can imagine them vividly, like they're right in front of me. They all have their own, often hilarious individual characters - and like I've said already, you've even given personality to the blandest of people like John. I also love the little details you've given to the characters, for example one of your characters called Juliet loving acting. The teachers are also greatly entertaining, if a little incompetent at their jobs.

As for Frank, I absolutely love him. He's funny, clever and an extremely believable character. I'd say he's a far more engaging person than a lot of characters in professionally published stories, a fact I was pleasantly surprised by.

Additional information: I've only reviewed the first twenty chapters like you asked me to, but I'll read the rest of your book as I'm really enjoying it! Your story is compelling and confidently written, and it's been very fun to review. It feels more like a professionally published book than a wattpad one - I wasn't really expecting to review something like this on this site.

I've never read Catch-22 before but reading your story, a homage to it, has made me really want to get a copy.

Sorry I've been a little bit late  to send this off to you - I've had to revise for some school exams and the chapters were a little longer than I was expecting.

Thanks so much for using these services :) I hope this review's helped

Final score:

🎉 26/30 (87%)

(From the Autumn Leaves Community: Please check that you've done all the reviewer's requested payments. We hope you enjoy your review! If you have any questions, PM us or your reviewer. Thanks 💖)

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