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Gerald was tired of keeping their relationship a secret. It was bad enough Sheila was covering for them, he felt bad but there wasn't much he could do!

Eric meant so much to him and he couldn't let Eva cause the troubles in their relationship... even if it added spice to their ✨bedroom time✨

The twins loved each other and they were meant to be but why did love have to be so difficult for them? What did they do to deserve the hardships of being related.

It wasn't fair. Nothing was, Gerald felt broken and sad.

Eric walked into the room, slightly tipsy with the amount he had drank trying to keep himself from throwing Sheila off Gerald— his one true love.

Sheila knew of their relationship but Eric knew she still had a thing for Gerald maybe it was a gay fetish.

Eric visibly shuddered at the thought. That would be disgusting.

The two men hastily walked towards each other and hugged, the long night had kept them apart but now they got to spend the night doing couple things like usual, the only possible thing that could go wrong would be if someone caught them, that's not likely though.

They ran hands over each other, they knew each other well— seeing as they're twins. Obviously.

The night had built up some unholy and very strong sexual tension between the twins so they ran upstairs to their room , the bunk beds they share when Gerald stays over visible, even in the dark room.

Gerald was pushed against the door in the heat of the moment all they wanted was each other and that's what they were getting.

"Eric!" Mrs Birling shouted for the boy to stop day dreaming, he snapped his eyes up to see the whole family staring at him— the inspector eyed him with questioning eyes.

He knew.

Of course the omniscient and all mighty man knew, he too was gay!

"Sorry, I zoned out I think I should head off." He spoke, mumbling his drunken words.

Gerald eyed him, all while thinking about ripping Eric's clothes off. What a sight that would be.

They locked eyes from across the table but Eric looked furious he threw back his drink before standing abruptly and storming off.

Gerald couldn't stop imagining how hot Eric was.

Gerald! No!Where stories live. Discover now