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Kion was now in Rafiki's tree he wasn't having a cure for Kion's illness it was impossible for him.. The king and queen of the Pridelands were regretting for all things they had done with their son.

Rafiki inside the tree was looking for hope, for the survival of the king of the mighty kingdom....

On the other hand the Ezuki Pride were keeping up with the will power somewhere inside they had a feel of the kings survival but they didn't know that the king would leave them soon once he is back to his sense, yes it is the truth the king had to leave....

After a lot of trying the cure the king was back to his sense but it was just the same he was still having a evil side and a pure side but the evil side was quickly taking over his body.... The king at last knew what had happened to him when he heard Rafiki and Simba talking about Kion....

Rafiki : Simba, I am sorry to tell you that but the venom from the cobra is taking over Kion little by little and soon he won't know the difference between good or Bad...

Simba widened his eyes with the news from his royal mjuzi

Simba : Noo !! It can't be tell me he is not going to be like him, pls

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Simba : Noo !! It can't be tell me he is not going to be like him, pls....

Rafiki : I know how you feel but it is truth and I can't change it...

Simba was heart broken by the answer still he couldn't believe Rafiki he had feeling deep down inside there was a hope of Kion's cure when the old mandrill spoke up

Rafiki : Kion should go on a vacation away from everyone where he can revive himself and become the old lion we knew...

Simba couldn't let his son go away just like that but it was the only way to cure his son... Simba with deep heart allowed his son to leave....

Simba went inside and told Kion what happened to him and what is the cure recommended by the Royal mjuzi...

Kion was stubborn at this point he wasn't ready to leave his on his wife his family... after his banishment he had finally made a family whom he could rely on...

Kion didn't want to hurt his family by the evilness he had inside him, he was afraid to talk to his son and wife.. but he had too....

Kion : Shaada !! I need to tell you something that everyone needs to know....

Shaada was frozen with fear, she was afraid that her secret would be released...

Kion took a deep breath and said 

Kion : My wife Shaada has been cheating on me since the time Ryon was born but thanks to Kaa and Ryon who helped to find this traitor....

Shaada in order to protect her she passed the blame to Kion that he has been cheating her not she..

Kion was knew about this trick so he had already collected the witness and proves with him...

Kion began : Shaada may I know that when I was away in the Pridelands what were you doing ???

Shaada : Oh I was just taking care of Ryon and seeing him play Siya

Ryon : This is a lie I and Siya were spying on you and you were kissing your secret mate... We had seen everything from our own eyes...

Shaada : Ryon !!! Don't you feel ashamed of blaming your own mother for such disgusting crime !!!!!

Ryon : No !!! I don't it should be you who should be ashamed of such a disgusting crime of betraying my father, a loving and caring husband.... 

Kion : Ok but can you tell what your mates name ?

Shada recklessly asked 

Shada : Which mate ?

Kion : Your Mate !?!?! aren't you my wife ?

Shada : I am but which Mate ?

Shada now knew the mistake done by her was speechless and Kion had proved that Shada was cheating him...

Kion : So Ms. Shada who is your secret mate after all ?

Shada was ignominious of herself and said 

Shada : It-its's your friend Action...

Kion was furious at what he had heard the most trusted friend after his exile was Action and he was his mate's secret mate, and his daughter was going to marry his son who is the future king of the Ezuki land ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Action was worried that hid secret would be reveled and said 

Action : No, no your wife is telling a lie... she is saying that because she wanted to become the queen and take me as her general, but  I refused that I couldn't betray my dearest friend....

Shada : Is it so ???? I think that you forgot the day when you kissed me right when Kion was sleeping !

Ryon : That I saw some lion coming inside the den but didn't care to check it must Action only....

Kion couln't take it anymore and said : Enough is Enough, even if you weren't betraying me you are exiled, can't believe it you Action....

Simba and his wife Nala knew something was fishy in this matter, but they kept quiet so they won't risking there land....



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