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Kion agreed and was about to go and propose when Matempo came and alerted Kion that there was a group of lions taking Rani with them...

Kion rushed out of his den to stop the lions from taking Rani with them...

He had reached in time but there was a twist in their love story those lions were not other than her parents Sahasi and Ananda they were alive but how is that possible...


Life in the Tree Of Life was simple no predators who want to eat every mammal at once but there was a group of panthers who were in an intension to destroy the Tree Of Life...

They planned to light up a fire and then kill the lions that live inside the Tree.

They did as planned...

Sahasi and Ananda were stuck in the fire but Rani was away from the fire, she tried to reach her parents...

Rani: Mom Dad!

Sahasi: No Rani go away you might get hurt...

Ananda: Yes Rani your father is correct to go run away...

Rani knew she had to save her family but her Father was wise and intelligent, so she obeyed her parent's orders and ran...

The panthers were so busy in destroying the Tree Of Life that they didn't notice that the heir of the Tree Of Life had escaped...

Rani ran and ran away thinking that she needs to save herself and join some pride that will help her (protect her) if the panthers come behind her...

Rani ran and ran where she saw a lion and a honey badger playing some game, Rani thought that they were dangerous and came into a pounching position...

End of Flashback

Rani's eyes were filled with tears she thought that the parents she knew many years ago were dead but they had escaped the fire and defeated the panthers...

Rani was happy to see her parents again but she had formed another family with her friends she could not leave them...

Rani said, "Mom and dad I can't come I have a family here in the Ezuki land..."

Sahasi added "But Rani you have a job to the tree of life, you are the future queen you need to come with us"

Rani thought " Dad is right I have a duty to the Tree Of Life but my family is in the Ezuki lands, Rani said " Ok mom dad I am ready, so night pride Kion Ezuki landers this is goodbye"

Everyone said "We will miss you"

Kion didn't dare to say goodbye to Rani but he knew he can't change her decision...

Rani added, "Bye Kion I had pleasant memories with you.... 😢😢"

Kion with tears said "Bye Rani"

Shada felt bad for Kion and tried to cheer him up by saying "It's ok Kion, what happens, it happens right"

Kion knew Shada was saying the truth and stopped crying and thought of starting a new life.... once again...

* Time skip of 6 months *

After Rani had left Kion, Shada and Kion had come closer.... and thought to marry each other 

* AUTHOR'S NOTE - I didn't mean to hurt any @KionXRani fan.... just wanted to make a new story..... I once again repeat I didn't mean to hurt any @KionXrani fan... -KINGKIONTREEOFLIFE

* Time skip of 6 months *

Finally, Kion and Shada were married their reign on the Ezuki lands was going smooth it was when that Kion had to take revenge from his father and tell him what he did was wrong..... he ruined his life...

In Pridelands Simba couldn't believe, that his son attacked his best friends when Simba heard Pumbaa yawn like he just woke up... and ran towards them and said " At last you both are alright what happened and why were you running away from did he try to kill you ?"

Pumbaa and Timon looked at each other and laughed "Hahaha, you're kidding right Kion didn't attack us it was the hyenas...." Pumbaa added "Yaa and they ruined Hakuna Day" they cried so badly that if they cried for the whole day they could flood the Lion guard lair...

Simba was thinking and joining the dots when he realized that he exiled Kion for nothing he needed to find Kion, but where ???

Zazu came running to Simba yelling that "Sire!!!!!! there is a group of animals who have surrounded us from the borders of the Pridelands...."

Simba replied, "How many are there ?"

Zazu replied "Somewhere around 600-10,000"

Simba alerted the lioness and thought to think to talk to the leader of their Pride.....

When Simba reached the spot he smelled a scent, like it was Kion's scent...

Simba rushed to find Kion, but he didn't realize that he had lost Kion he once knew as his son...

Simba called out for Kion and saw two lions coming, out of the crowd...

They were none other than Kion and a lioness he didn't recognize...

Simba said "Kion, who is she ?"

Kion replied "Oh, she is my wife..." and added "and I came here to conquer the Pridelands"

Simba was shocked and said," No Kion, it is not possible Kiara is the future queen..."

Kion replied, "I don't care I just want to conquer this land either surrender or fight...."

Simba had to take a decision and finally said "I will battle only when you will stay with us...."

Kion couldn't go back to the place where he was insulated and stay with those lions who once thought that he is a murderer, Kion in an angry tone said "No, I won't-" But Shada cut off Kion by saying "He meant that he would stay with you all...."

Kion turned to Shada and asked why did she that, Shada in reply said "Kion, remember you wanted to mom with you in Ezuki land and stay with her, this might be the chance..."

Kion understood Shada was correct and moved forward, towards Pride rock.

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