Chapter Two: It's A Date

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Okay, so I did a thing.

I guess I got Alex jumped in his prison.

You're a fucking idiot, I said to myself. I looked at the dirty mirror that is in my cell.

"I'm an idiot." I told myself.

The Pennsylvania State didn't trust me to have a cellmate all alone because I'm unstable and could possibly harm someone, so I'm here by myself with my thoughts.

I transferred prisons multiple times; from different towns to different states, until recently, they took me back near Harrisburg.

All because I almost killed Alex Martinez. Hell, I almost got it down.

But it got both of us into comas and almost dead. My ass should've been in hell.

For the past few years I've been in here, I'd been going to therapy again.

I thought I was healed. But you're never healed when you're dealing with a bunch of crazy shit.

I miss my baby, I said to myself. She knows me more than I know myself. But she moved out of the city to California.

Maybe I can have some people look after her.


I can't. I can't turn into an Alex.

She's probably fine on her own with Miranda. I miss Miranda too. I was like a father to her, hell, I am her father.

Why can't a father sees her kid? Oh right, I'm in jail. I keep forgetting that.

I did my fair share in fights the last couple of years. That's why I'm here alone.

One of the guards walked up to my cell with a photo. It was Alex beating the shit out of Officer Lewis.


I told Officer Lewis that Alex killed his dad for leverage with Jasmine. But, it wasn't true.

Jasmine had a hunch one day and started to look for more information about the case and it was revealed the last time I heard, Alex didn't kill him. He had an alibi and he used manipulation with her.

But the killer hasn't been found.

So, my ass is screwed because of the fact that officer used my name and Alex is coming for me.

And I'm all alone.

"López! Chow time!" An officer yelled. The only socialization I have is during meals and then back to my cell, I go. Apparently, if I go beyond what I supposed to do, then I could get rewarded with some shit.

Yeah, okay.

I've been through it already. I'm not even allowed to have visits as of now because of how dangerous I am. And then I also have to go to therapy twice a week.

Man, am I really that bad? Yes, my father is the devil and Alex, my archenemy is my stupid ass half brother, but I'm not that of a bad person.

And Roberto is a bounty hunter too.

Okay, I inherited it.

I walked down to the cafeteria and saw all the men talking amongst each other; women, themselves, their families, or whatever is popular nowadays.

I usually sat alone, just within my thoughts. The last time I was in here, I used to get into shit with everyone; drug dealers, murderers, you name it, I beat the shit of.

The problem was that I was in here for nothing the first time for robbing a expensive jewelry store with Adam. The police department misjudged Adam and I because we were there at the wrong time.

This time; it's different. I deserve to be in here. A record like this can't be cleared anymore. Who wants to hire someone with a record? Goodbye future.

"Yo, dude with the curly hair!" Someone yelled at me. I looked up and it's a group of men staring at me like I'm their next victim.

They walked towards me and immediately, I had my guard up. I know people like them; they buddy up with you for something until they don't need you anymore.

Then they kill you because you know too much.

"Is it true you're in here because you're crazy?" One of the men asked. "Cause I don't fuck with crazy people like that. Y'all be strapped up or something?"

I-- what the fuck is this?

"Yeah, sort of," I answered. I inspected  each of them. There has to be a leader in one of them.

"Enough!" I heard someone else yell. There's the leader.

The mysterious voice was someone that I would've expected. It was a short Hispanic man with no tattoos.

The leader walked over to me. "Meet me tomorrow morning at 9am at the courtyard." Then, he took his gang with him.

What did I encounter?

Well, I guess I have a date tomorrow.

The Jail Files | RAIF Spin Offजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें