Aww, he's so handsome >.<

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Ugh, I'm so sick and tired of reading books that portray handsome people and their happily ever afters! Sheesh, not every single person in the world is handsome. Being handsome isn't a necessity for someone to start liking you. Get a reality check ppl. I've seen the most beautiful people marry people who aren't too handsome. It's all so cliché, I'm on a break from clichés right now.

Why is it a must for every guy to be handsome?! Focus on the character people.(is advising herself too) Show him as a namazi, a person with sound knowledge of the deen and a person who's trying his best to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet(pbuh). I've decided to limit the inclusion of 'handsome' people in my writings; I've had enough!

We should stop fantasising about the perfect guy. Reality is so far different from our dreams.

We need to change the perception of the younger generation. I'm sure many 13, 14, 15, 16 etc year Olds are reading what we write. We can use that to the betterment of our society. Focus on individuals; I'm the first and most important individual over whom I have full control.(yeah my bestfriend comes next :P Be ready for some major lecturing haniyu♡) I've started the change with myself; I'm writing a new story that will, In shaa Allah, help change our perceptions.

What comes to my mind when I hear the words, 'beautiful', 'handsome' etc? I believe that everyone is beautiful, because who created everyone? Allah(swt) created everyone and so everyone is beautiful.

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