“Where is Kiseki?” Shinso asked, completely ignoring Midoriya’s question.

    “Oh! Um-” Midoriya looked behind him and pointed to the bed closest to the window. “She’s right there, next to the window.”

  Shinso nodded and Midoriya moved to the side to allow Shinso to walk inside the room. As he walked toward her bed he noticed someone else was unconscious on the bed closest to Recovery Girl's desk.  He stopped for a moment to see who it was, only to see an unusual scene before him: Bakugo's sleeping face. Shinso ignored him and walked over to the bed near the window and moved the curtains aside to see Kiseki. She was unconscious and she was still dressed in her hero costume but her face mask, head accessories, and her communication device were removed and set aside on the bedside table. Her forehead, neck and back were bandaged intricately which showed how skilled Recovery Girl was in her line of work. Shinso felt a pain in his chest when he saw the bandages wrapped around her but he knew that heroes were bound to get injured. Luckily, they were considered minor injuries so she would heal in no time. The afternoon light shone through the windows onto her and her silver hair seemed to reflect the orange light like a mirror making the scene more serene.

  Shinso felt a sense of déjà vu seeing the sight before him but he just brushed it off and grabbed a chair to sit on. While settling down in his chair, he noticed Kiseki’s messenger bag was on the floor, completely wide open. 

    “Dr. Kawase must have been here.” Shinso thought. Shinso noticed Dr. Kawase has been at the school a number of times but he couldn’t find a reason as to why he visited UA so often. “Is it so he can check up on Kiseki? Or maybe he comes to help the support department with their inventions?” He moved that thought to the back of his mind to think about later and looked back over to the open bag on the floor. 

  He bent down to pick it up, but the bag tipped over and a few folders and notebooks fell out onto the floor with a loud crash. He immediately looked over to Kiseki to see if she had woken up from the noise, but thankfully she was still asleep. He let out a sigh of relief and he started to pick up the folders and notebooks from the floor. Every notebook and folder he picked up were different colors and each of them had a different label, indicating the subject they were used for. Kiseki was a fairly organised person so he didn’t expect anything less of her. However, only one of the many notebooks caught his eye. 

  Unlike the other generic notebooks, this notebook had a plain, solid black cover and had no label to indicate what it was used for. He wanted to open the notebook to see what was inside, but it felt wrong to just go looking through her things without her permission. For all he knew, the notebook could be blank and it would have been a waste of time. But if he did see what was inside the notebook, he would most likely find out more about her. It was a known fact that Kiseki hardly ever talked about herself or the things she liked unless she was asked about it. But even then, she always seemed down and closed off whenever she was asked. Shinso was extremely good at reading people but when it came to Kiseki, she was practically an impenetrable brick wall that he couldn’t get through. 

  Despite how easily Kiseki broke through his own wall, Shinso contemplated how he would get through to her and get her to open up to him. The sound of rustling next to him snapped him out of his thoughts and Shinso immediately turned to Kiseki. Kiseki slowly opened her eyes only to be met with a white ceiling. She was confused as to where she was until she realized she was in a bed and tried to get up, but a thumping pain in her head stopped her. 

    “You shouldn’t get up yet.”

  At the sound of a familiar voice, Kiseki turned her head to see Shinso sitting in a chair next to her bed. A wave of relief washed over her and she smiled at him weakly. She attempted to use her device to talk to him but when nothing came out of the device, she put a hand behind her ear in bewilderment and realized that her device wasn’t there.

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