Chapter 21

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    “Now that you’re all healed, you’re free to go home.” Hikari whispered. “Take good care of her for me Shinso!”

  Shinso looked away with a grunt and Kiseki tilted her head in confusion. After removing the bandages from Kiseki’s head and gathering their belongings, Kiseki and Shinso said their goodbyes to Hikari and made their way home.


  The next day, Kiseki and Shinso arrived at class 1-A to see four of her classmates dispirited with their eyes downcast. Kirishima, Sato, Ashido, and Kaminari all looked visibly disappointed as Kiseki ran over to them in concern, leaving Shinso to stand by the door in bewilderment. Of course, she couldn’t verbally express her concern and worries, so she unwillingly used her device to communicate with them.

    “Are you all alright?! What’s wrong?” Her device asked in her stead.

    “*Sniffle Sniffle* K-Kiseki…” Ashido managed to say through her tears. Upon seeing how concerned Kiseki was for her and the three boys, she felt vulnerable yet touched. Despite how hard Ashido tried to hold back her tears,she could no longer hold back her tears. 

  Ashido bawled uncontrollably and tears practically came down her face in rivers. Kiseki panicked internally and she instinctively hugged the crying Ashido in hopes it would help her calm down. Ashido wrapped her arms tightly around Kiseki to the point it almost became difficult for the silver-haired girl to breathe. But Kiseki didn’t mind the tight hug and she gently patted Ashido’s back as she cried on her shoulder. 

    “I’m looking forward to hearing -*sniffle*- all your stories- of how fun- camp was…” Ashido said through her tears, her voice being muffled by her burying her face in Kiseki’s shoulder.

    “Maybe they will end up letting you go!” Midoriya said in an attempt to reassure her. “There might be a last minute twist or something.”

    “Stop Midoriya.” Sero said with a sigh. “By saying that out loud you might end up jinxing them.”

    “They said whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell. We didn’t pass the practical exam so we're doomed!” Kaminari said through his teeth. “DON’T YOU GET IT MIDORIYA!” Kaminari yelled as he aggressively poked Midoriya’s eyes with his fingers, causing Midoriya to scream in pain. “If you still don’t get that, I’ll knock your brain out of you!”

    “Ease up Kaminari.” Sero intervened. “I’m not sure I’ll get to go either. Our team only passed thanks to Mineta.” said Sero begrudgingly. “I got knocked out, and since we don’t know how they’re scoring stuff, I might have flunked.”

    “AT LEAST BRING US LOTS OF CAMP SOUVENIRS PLEASE!?” Kaminari yelled through a stream of tears.

  Kiseki looked over to the three boys to see how disappointed they looked. Although their eyes were fixed on the floor, Kiseki could clearly see that they were on the verge of tears while failing to put on a brave face. Kiseki held out her gloved hand to them and they stared at her hand in bewilderment. 

  The boys looked at her and she smiled sympathetically and with raw kindness. They were hesitant to take her hand, but Kirishima was the first to take her hand. With that silent reassurance, Kaminari and Sato put their hands on top of Kirishima’s. Kiseki gently pulled them over to her and Ashido and brought them into a group hug that they wholeheartedly welcomed. The other students in the classroom watched as Kiseki comforted her four dispirited classmates with a gentleness they could only describe as angelic. 

  Although his eyes hurt from Kaminari’s attack, Midoriya watched the interaction with a smile and thought, “Why would All Might think Kiseki is suspicious? If he saw this, he would change his mind.” 

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