Chapter 15 Elf Ring

Începe de la început

Tsubaki: Oh, that's right!

Finn: Long time no see, Tsubaki.

Loki: Guhehehe... You've got nice breast as usual.

Tsubaki: I'll gladly gave them to you if you want them. They're just lumps of fat that get in the way of my smithing.

 They're just lumps of fat that get in the way of my smithing

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Loki nearly choked. She hadn't expected her obscene remark to be met with such scathing retaliation. Tsubaki just cackled, the twin mounds in question bouncing somewhat stiffly within their clothes restraint.

Finn: We should get down to business.

Tsubaki: You're right.

And so, Hephaestus and Tsubaki decided to join the Loki Familia member in their expedition. They had purchased over 6 durandal weapons and 30 Magic Swords and over 20 adventurers from the Hephaestus Familia will be joining them and they all will meet in 4 days at dawn in front of Babel.


It's been 3 days since Lefiya started training with Aiz and Asuna, and she had a significant progress in avoiding attacks from the two swordswoman, but she still couldn't do concurrent chanting. And during the 4th day, both Bell and sora had a free day due to Lili saying that she had to do some Familia business, and so Aiz and Asuna decided that they will train with them the whole day and they apologized to Lefiya. And Lefiya was currently sulking as she was on her way to the dungeon to train on her own.

Lefiya: 😭... They're a member of another Familia. And yet... and yet... Maybe its fine for Mister Sora since we owed him, but that human...

???: Viridis?

Lefiya then looked back and looked behind to see who was calling her and it was none other than Filvis Chalia and her patron God Dionysus.

Lefiya: Miss Filvis?

Dionysus: "Thousand Elf"... Is she the comrade you were telling me about, Filvis?

Filvis: Yes...

Lefiya stood rooted to the spot. This was the first time meeting the God of Dionysus Familia in the flesh, and she found herself at a loss as to how to react. Dionysus however, just smiled, examining her with his glass-like eyes.

Dionysus: I've heard about you from Filvis and I'd like to thank you. Why don't we do for some tea?

The three of them made their way to a bustling outdoor cafe on a small corner of North Main Street. From their round table, facing the road, they were surrounded on all sides by the sounds of busy footsteps and lively voices and Dionysus had ordered a lot of desserts for Lefiya and she looked at them in awe.

Dionysus: You helped my child on the 24th floor. Let me thank you again. I feel indebted to you for saving her life, Lefiya Viridis.

Lefiya: N-No, Miss Filvis's helped me a lot too!

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