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SETTING: that one coffee shop that has the best muffins

Harry stood in line, patiently awaiting his turn to order. He smiles at the lady behind the counter when he gets there.

"Haven't seen you in a while Harry. How ya' been?"

Harry sighs, resting his palms on the counter top, "Studied in America for a year, but I'm here now. Missed it, to be honest. Two blueberry muffins."

She nods and types in his order, "That's great. How's that Niall fella treatin' you?"

He smiles at the thought of his boyfriend. He believes that Niall's it for him. The Irish lad may as well be the one.

"Perfectly. I love him so much." he thanks the woman - he's known her for years yet never cared to learn her name - and heads to a table in the corner.

When he realizes he hasn't gotten a coffee, he silently groans and gets up to go back in line.

"Excuse me," someone taps him on the shoulder, "you cut me in line." Harry turns and there's a man behind him, smiling shyly.

"Oh I'm sorry. Go ahead." he lets the man in front of him and tries to start conversation, "These lines take forever."

The man chuckles, "Yeah, if the food and drinks weren't so damn good I probably would just leave."

Harry nods in agreement, "Same here. I've been coming here for years, but last year I went to America and I missed this place so much. It's not the same over there."

"America? What's it like over there?" the man perks up as the line starts moving.

"Where I was? It was busy. Lots of traffic. Have you seen those movies where they have people living in Los Angeles? It's extremely accurate. You know, about the lots of people and things."

The man finally gets to the front and orders then turns back to Harry, "Are the people attractive?"

"The women are... nice. The men though," Harry waves an exaggerated hand over his face, "dear Lord."

"I may have to go some day, then. I would love to see the men." The man laughs again.

He starts to walk out but Harry calls him back, "What's your name? I'm Harry."

The man calls over his shoulder, "Louis."


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