Zhan rebutted. 

"They are all for work and some of them are my crewmates." Yibo defended.

"But you are smiling at your phone the whole day. Wow, just wow."

"Look look, there's a comment for Wang Yibo." Ji Li interrupted.

Yibo, Zhan, and Yu Bin moved closer so that they can read the comment.

"Wow! Do you know Lili? She's a famous blogger. She's really pretty. She commented on Yibo."

Yu Bin spoke, then read the comment, 'MINE, WANG YIBO. MARRY ME, PLEASE."

"Woooooooow!" They all reacted and pushed Yibo in excitement. Yibo laughed at the boys' reaction.

"Hmm, she's not that pretty. She's just covered in make-up." Zhan retorted and crossed his arms.

"Are you jealous, Wei Wuxian?" Ji Li innocently asked, but then he covered his mouth for spilling out the beans. Zhan frowned at him and he shook his head vigorously.

"I didn't say anything. I really didn't say anything."

Wang Yibo then inched closer to Zhan and whispered something.

The boys looked at that intriguing gesture, but they cannot hear a thing. Suddenly, tints of red appeared on Zhan's cheeks. Zhan gave him a light punch in the shoulder, and Yibo just laughed it off.


Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan are sitting on the floor, arguing some things about the scenes that they will shoot next. They did not know that they were being filmed, so they just let their hearts out.

"Basically, in this scene,  Lan Wangji is now afraid to lose Wei Wuxian. So, you definitely won't let anyone hurt him."

The director narrated.

"That is because you failed to stand by me." Xiao Zhan complained. He gritted his teeth and looked at Yibo fiercely. "Trash Boyfriend."


Yibo asked, confused. 

"Because you didn't take my side at Nevernight. In the later parts, you kept making it up to me. You're always so contrite. Because... Because 16 years ago."

He stopped in midsentence and Yibo just sighed.

"But I didn't take their side either. I stayed neutral."

"But deep down inside you felt guilty, because you owe me."

"And that's what makes me a trash boyfriend?"

"Because you're a trash boyfriend."

The staff in awe, just stared at them, bickering to one another. Even the cameraman giggled silently.

"It's just... It's not-"

"You just weren't that into me." Zhan pouted while fanning himself.

"My feelings weren't there yet."

"That's because you didn't really love me. You only miss me after I'm gone?"

The assistant director but in. "Hey, lovebirds, don't fight."

But the two didn't stop. "But why does that make me a trash boyfriend?"

The assistant director tried butting in again, but he is smiling when he said, "Please stop fighting, lovebirds."

"You only cherish me after I'm gone." Zhan continued bickering and annoyance is displayed on his face.

"Then why am I a trash boyfriend? My feelings weren't there yet, back then."

"Not there yet?! See?! He said his feelings weren't there yet at Nevernight."

"Not really there yet."

The AD burst out laughing, trying to stop them.

"Wow, I'm so pissed." Zhan clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disbelief.

"So what, you only got there after I'm dead?"


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" His brows furrowed deeper.

"You only know what's precious after it's gone." The AD commented.

"Yeah." Yibo agreed.

Zhan turned to the other staff. "Imagine, he got there only after I died. He never really loved me."

"You know too much for someone who didn't read the novel," Cheng remarked, yelling from the side.

Zhan eyed Zhoucheng and rolled his eyes.

"But he promised Wei Ying that he will never leave him again, and to be the best husband that he could be," Yibo said after a while.

Zhan rolled his eyes on Yibo as well.

If I know, all of these are just for the act. None of the feelings that he mentioned were true. Except, of course, mine.

He suddenly thought. He bit his lower lip and reminded himself.

I need to follow the rules: to never fall in love deeply with this man, and to wait until the drama is over. I will confront him sooner or later about my true feelings.

He assured himself. The camera rolled away, and the actors prepare themselves to act.


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