Chapter 31: Preparations

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"... The Relic of Choice showed me a vision. It showed me what would have happened if Vao had told someone that he was speaking to Salem. In the vision, Verde told me about being hopeful. That even if the world never gets better, at least we would die with hope that it will. She told me the story of her favorite paintbrush, and why she likes to paint. I also learned that everything has happened for a reason. Everything is tied together. The Gods... They told me that at the end of my journey, it was up to me how the story ends. It was up to me if Vao lives or not."

"And what will you do when you encounter him for the final time?" Raven asked quietly. Y/N didn't answer immediately. Sadness washed over his eyes and he stared at the ground.

"... I don't know, anymore... I can kill him, or try to help him... My choice will affect the outcome. It is a choice I will have to make when the time comes..." He took a deep breath, calming his voice. "If I had never talked to the Relic of Choice, I would have killed him without a second thought. But it helped me realize just how important making a choice is, even if it seems like the right thing to do..."

Weiss approached him, sitting at his side and wrapping her arm around him gently. "... What did it show you?"

Y/N looked at her, grief painfully visible. "... It showed me what would have happened if he had revealed Salem's identity in Beacon. It ended with all of us dead or going insane. Salem took my body and a piece of Vao, knowing Ozpin didn't realize we were the keys to unlocking the Relics' ability to summon the Gods again. I'd bet if it showed me more, the world would have been destroyed. If I had made the choice to pressure him into talking, the world would have ended. That's why... I'm glad I didn't do that. Because now there's a chance to stop Salem. To save the world." He could feel his eyes growing wet.

"For the longest time, I didn't care about the world. I only cared about myself. I wanted to see Vao die. I never thought how much a simple choice can affect the future. But now, I want to save the world. I want to stop Salem for the future, not for myself. If I don't, others will suffer. It isn't about me, it's about everyone. I learned... I learned that through the Relic..."

Ozpin approached, a gentle smile on his face. "... You learned what it means to be a hero, Y/N. That no matter how much things go downhill, that you must look towards the brighter future. That's what it means to be a hero; no matter what happens, you focus on a better future for not yourself, but everyone. You have become a fine hero. I've no more doubt of my decision to bring you along. I have confidence that when the time comes, you will make the right choice."

Y/N was touched. Ozpin had never spoken to him so truthfully before. He turned back to his father's grave, reaching out and touching Harbinger and the locket. With the rising sun, he knew it would be time to go, soon.

"... You lived in self-torment... But you never gave up hope. Rest in peace, father. You deserve it more than many other people..." He whispered. Yang looked at him, joy seeping into the smile that was building. She hugged him tightly, sniffling quietly. Ozpin glanced at his scroll, regretfully breaking their moment.

"... Atlas has begun building a resistance to help us against Salem. Our tale is nearing its end. We only need one more thing; Menagerie to join us. Do you know what that means, Y/N?"

The hero nodded. "It means... We have to stop the White Fang. They control Menagerie, and would no doubt try to stop us. We... We need Menagerie's help if we want to get even close to Salem..."

Ozpin nodded sadly. "... A bullhead will be arriving soon to carry us to an Atlesian settlement in Vacuo. We will rest there, and begin our trip to Menagerie. But first, there is something I must do: I will formally name you the hero of Remnant."

The Bird and the GardenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ