Chapter 26

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The five elemental stones restores one's life. Like in Xiao Mei's health, the stones keep you in good shape. And because Nuwa gu relies so much on the stones that when any of us uses them, it loses the healing effect on her since she and Li Xiu gu were the keepers of the stones before us. Wu Xie thought as he remembers his Fuxin gu's explanation. "The stones are Nuwa's lifeline. She relies so much on the stones that she doesn't want to give them to the new guardians for that reason. It was Li Xiu who reminded her of their duty as the chosen successors of the goddess. My wife doesn't rely on the stones. Well, almost. She was tempted to keep one for herself for protection and power but when she saw how obsessed her twin sister was about the stones, she didn't want it anymore."

"Nuwa is ill. According to my wife, she got her dual personlity when they were young, when they were kidnapped during your grandparent's expedition. The doctors were a great help and they have given her an all clear approval of her recovery, but she thought otherwise. Still, as their duty, Nuwa gave the stones to their respective guardians as planned, while Li Xiu, and I will keep watch and help you when needed. That was the plan. But, we had no idea that Nuwa's other self was already doing her plans behind our backs. Li Xiu knew that when the stones are being used by the guardians, Nuwa loses control over the power of the stones. She loses her sanity, slowly, very slowly. And the only way for her to get her control back over the stones are either collect the items of the previous guardians or, kill the present guardians."

Wu Xie sighed. Now he understands why the flow of life and destruction is in chaos. And I know why Nuwa gu wanted the stones for herself but, why does it have to involve the girls? Or was it purely coincidence that they are the descendants of the previous guardians? He groaned and drank his second glass of whisky, then ordered another. It was a good thing that he made the girls leave or they will gradually think of all the possibilities to not make them die. They'll be more protective than ever if that is even possible. Since when did they start becoming so sure that they'll be able to protect us and themselves at the same time? It's like they are willing to sacrifice everything they have for our safety. Do they already know about the stones' power and abilities? "Stop thinking too much." Wu Xie snapped out from his thoughts and looked at his Xiao Bai as she smile at him and sat in front of him. After the conversation they had with his uncle, they went to their respective room on the fifth floor. The whole floor was reserved for them, with the girls' room are on the fourth, near Jun Lian's and Yang Hua's rooms. As he was done preparing for the second quest that might lead them waking up in the early mornings tomorrow, Wu Xie went to the second floor where the cafe and restaurant are and now, ordering himself another glass of whisky, was it my third glass, and some meat, though he hasn't bother eating. "And you'll get an upset stomach if you keep drinking. Really-" "You're worried about me getting sick and yet you won't let me worry about you." "What?" Bai Hao Tian blinked twice at him which he always finds cute and smiled, taking her by surprise. "The way your acting right now reminds me of when we are still inside Warehouse 11 and looking for the Sea South Kingdom and clues for Thunder City. You, worrying over me." Wu Xie said as he reached out and touch Bai Hao Tian's hand which she flinched from the touch but didn't move her hand away. "Of course, I'll worry. Whenever you think about something deep, you drink until you pass out. Also, Pang Zi was not the best option when it comes to this. You'll continue drinking until you can no longer distinguish anyone anymore and make your aunt be annoyed of you. Good thing, Xiao Mei was able to get her father away from drinking, with the help of Kang Jian and Jia Le. Pang Zi is always great with kids. He doesn't want to admit it because of the responsibility it brings. And the occupation you guys have." Wu Xie chuckled and was about to drink again but was stopped by a Bai Hao Tian feeding him food. He smirked at this and eat while the other concentrates on slicing the meat in a portion with one hand since her other is occupied at the moment when he noticed her cheeks has a tint of red. She's blushing. That's cute. "So, Wang Fuxin, Wang Li Xiu. About them, what do you think? Should we trust them?" Trust them? Wu Xie thought as he remember what his Fuxin shu said.

"I know, this is confusing. And I know that it's not easy for you to trust us but, let me get this straight. You heard your Li Xiu gu about her twin sister being anxious with the result of the poisoned arrow aimed right at you. All of you are maybe wondering, how does the enemy know your location, assuming that you destroyed their equipment, right? ... The stones are already your built-in trackers. And Nuwa can know exactly where all of you are with just the stones. You can ask my wife about it. Both of them are the Goddess Nuwa's chosen protectors of the stones, after all." "Er shu trusts them. Zhang Jun Lian and Zhang Yang Hua trust them. You do know that the Zhang trusts and are loyal to their masters by default. But, can be the worst of enemies once that is broken. Xiao Ge is my friend. We don't have any master-servant relationship. That's why Pang Zi, him, and I are the Golden Trio." Bai Hao Tian laughed softly at his proud declaration and smiled as she slowly move her hand that Wu Xie was holding then placed it over his. "Alright. I trust you. The girls and I will hold on to that." Wu Xie suddenly felt something heavy stir inside his heart. The feeling of responsibility that he wasn't able to do very well. Especially, her safety. "Don't." He said quietly but his partner still heard it. And that tone again. The heaviness of his words, as if telling me to stop whatever it is I'm doing. Bai Hao Tain sighed and slowly push his food in front of him, which had already been sliced properly, and removed her hand under his. "We need to discuss our next quest tonight, after dinner with everyone. You have to be in shape so you don't make a fool of yourself, Master San Ye."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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