"Okay, you and Atwater go talk to Franklin, see if he can tell us anything about Ava. Jay, Hailey, Y/n, keep knocking on doors," Voight ordered. Our search led us to a man named Deshawn Baker, whose car was spotted driving away from the murder scene. He was a G-Park Lord, and he had a prior for sexual assault, so he looked like our guy. However, he claimed he was letting his sister drive his car, and he was up in Detroit at the time of the murder, so he was off the table as our guy. And then, we got a call for another rape, and this time, the victim, Sara O'Connell, was alive, but injured, and on her way to Med.

"Y/n," Voight called out and waved me over to him. I stopped myself from walking off with Adam and turned around, heading back over to my boss.

"What's up, Sarge?" I ask.

"I need you to do me a favor," Voight stated.


I knocked on the door for the third time. "Kim, it's Y/n. Can you please open the door?" A few seconds later, the door opened slightly, and Kim appeared, bags clearly evident under her eyes.

"Hey. Sorry. I was just taking a nap," Kim spoke and let me inside. "Everything all right?" 

"Yeah. Everything's fine," I respond. "How are you feeling?" 

"Better. What about you?" Kim returned. "How's the shoulder?" 

I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt to show her the scar that was still visible, but fading as the days went by. "Good. I got the stitches out a few days ago. It doesn't hurt as much as it used to. And I'm really hoping the scar goes away. I don't need any more of those. Anyways, I was hoping you'd help me with something. Voight wants me to interview this rape victim over at Med, and I want you to talk to her with me."

"Really? You really need me for this?" Kim questioned.

"Kim, I know what you went through, okay? I've been in a similar situation so many times that I've also considered leaving the CPD and doing something way less dangerous. But every time I come back after an injury or mandated breaks for my health or whatever, I always decided to stay. Because before you make any decisions, you have to give yourself a chance to feel like you can do the job again. All we have to do is talk to her. Please just come with," I plead.

Kim sighed. "Fine. Give me a few minutes to get dressed." Not even half an hour later, we were at Med, making our way to Sara's room. Kim hadn't said a word to me in the car, but it's not like I expected her to. I practically forced her to come with me.

"Hi, Sara. I'm Detective L/n and this is Officer Burgess," I introduce. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" 

"Leave me alone," Sara mumbled as a doctor entered the room. 

"Detective L/n! Officer Burgess!" the doctor chirped. "How you guys feeling?" 

"Better. We're both good. We're just here to ask your patient a couple questions," Kim answered.

The doctor nodded. "No problem. Sara, I'll be back." 

Sara frowned as the doctor left the room. "How come he knows you guys?" 

"I was down the hall last week due to an injury. Shot in the line of duty," Kim clarified. 

"And I was grazed by a bullet. 7 stitches," I recall. "Now Sara, can you think of any details about the man who did this to you? Anything you remember could help us." 

"He was wearing a black ski mask," Sara recounted. 

"Okay. What about anything else? Tall, short, slim, heavy," Kim listed off. 

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now