"i'll carry you just cmon." he said putting on his shoes, grabbing mine. he sat down in front of me and started putting mine on for me. when he was done i opened my eyes, got up and got on his back. he held onto my thighs firmly, it kinda tickled for a second.

"bye bye kitty." i said to the cat sitting at the door way, mikey walked out the door, closing it behind him. i handed him the key, and he locked it, and put it in his pocket. "hey that's mine you know." i said tiredly on his back. "i don't want you to drop them." he said back to me, walking down the stairs.

"i swear if you drop me i'll kill you, mikey." i said leaning my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. "yeah yeah, just don't drool on my shoulder princess." he said walking down the last pair of stairs. "that's a new one." i said drifting to sleep on his shoulder.

"mhm." he hummed in response, as i fell asleep.

mikeys pov:

i sighed setting her down on the back of my motorcycle, i got on after, making sure she didn't fall. when i had sat down fully, she wrapped her arms around me tightly. i tensed up a bit and relaxed, and started smiling like a mother fucker. i had never really had anyone that made me feel like this so quickly, or even make me feel like this in general.

it would never last long, it wasn't their fault, it was mine. i never tired to hide that. i was a little nervous about bringing her along with me to a toman meeting, i don't want anyone else stealing her away from me. i had found her, and i wanted her to stay by my side for awhile, maybe we'll be that old couple matching one day. i started chuckling at the thought.

she had become so much to me in such a short amount of time, i just hope she doesn't leave me. i started up the bike, hoping i wouldn't wake her. i drive out of the parking lot heading to where the meeting was being held.

i wasn't sure if i should introduce her just yet though, i just don't want people flirting, or getting close with her. another thing, i don't know what i should introduce her as. my girlfriend, a friend, a guest?? i'm thinking back to when she told me she has a boyfriend, she told me his name is kazutora.

i don't know if she was talking about the kazutora i knew. when i came to that bridge she was at, she was crying and talking about some guy, could that have been kazutora? the reason i knew she wasn't ok was because of chifuyu, he told me that she looked like a mess and added "respectfully" after.

i hope they don't get close. i'm thinking about all of this too much, i should just introduce her as a..? i don't want people to flirt with her, so i guess i'll go with girlfriend, plus they probably won't disrespect her if i say that. i just hope this all goes well.


y/n's pov:

i woke up under what feels to be fabric, i slowly opened my eyes and saw a curly headed duo looking at me with curiosity laced on their faces. they were twins and they looked really cute, one looked really tense and angry, the other looked adorable and friendly. "you woke her, souya!" the cute one said.

"that was you stupid ass!" the tense one sated. "what..?" i said sitting up looking around, i was laying on jackets, and one jacket bundled up for a pillow. "where's mikey? and who are yall?" i asked rubbing my eyes.

"mikeys with draken, he asked us to watch you. i'm nahoya, and this is my twin souya!" the one named nahoya said smiling, "could you also not tell mikey we woke you..?" he asked in a pleading tone. "yeah i guess." i said stretching and falling backwards, laying back down on the jackets. i had my eyes closed while stretching, when i opened them i saw mikey bent down inches away from my face.

"hi princess!" he said giving me a closed eye smile. "you scared the shit out of me." i said closing my eyes again, i felt a little heat on my face but ignored it. "did they wake you?" he asked still hovering over me, pointing at the two twins.

"nope." i said. i could feel the air softening, like i had taken away the tension the twins were carrying. "why'd you wake up then?" mikey asked, and the tension came back. "nightmare." i replied sighing deeply. the tension had been blown away once again.

"mikey it's time to start the meeting!" draken called. "let's go." mikey said to me and the twins, lifting me up by my arms. "i could have gotten up on my own." i said walking beside mikey. "shh." mikey said putting an arm on my shoulders, i didn't mind much, if i'm being honest i was scared. i mean a gang of boys?

i'm assuming i'm the only girl here. i was still walking with mikey when i spotted a pink haired girl. she was cute and looked nervous. i walked away from mikey and started walking over to her. i sat down beside her, "your hair is so cute." i said to her smiling.

mikey seemed to notice right when i walked away, but ignored it since i wasn't that far from him, and i was only talking to a girl. mikey sighed in relief, 'that moves the introduction problem out of the way for now.' he thought. "thank you! i love your outfit." the pink haired girl replied smiling brightly.

"y/n." i said holding out my hand infront of her. "hinata, call me hina." she said taking my hand and shaking it. "we're the only girls here right?" i asked her. "yeah, my friend was going to come but had some other plans in the way." she said replying back. "what's her name?" i asked hina.

"emma." she said. "i thought that's who it was, but i wasn't quite sure." i said. "you know emma??" hina asked curiously. "yeah shes my best friend." i said smiling. "ah i wont have to come here alone everytime mikey drags me along." i said sighing in relief. "you came here with mikey?" she said. "yeah pretty much. who'd you come here with?" i asked.

"the blonde one over there, his names takemichi." she said pointing at the blonde. i remember him, we had to save that guy. "that's nice. are y'all together~" i said nudging her slightly, laughing. "oh shh y/n! but yes.." she said blushing, nudging me back, also laughing. "what's with you and mister serious boss man over there~" she said pointing at mikey giggling.

"oh mikey? i don't know to be honest. i guess you could say we're friends? that's not quite it though.." i said trying to think of how to describe our relationship. "but just not together, but wow he does look serious right now.." i said to hina. "hmmm... you two look cute together." she said smiling. "you're basically the queen over this gang, and he's your king."

"that's if we were together, which probably won't happen. i just met him like a week ago anyways." i said. "really, and you don't identify him as a friend? that could either be good or bad." she said looking at me. "what do you mean good or bad?" i asked curiously. "good is you could be soulmates, and bad is he could be using you." she answered to me.

i sat there for a second thinking about what she had just said. was mikey just using me? soulmates? it kind of sounds unlikely. i frowned. "hey it could be totally different from the two you never know! just be careful." she said smiling warmly towards me, patting my head.  "thanks hina." i said trying to give the sweetest smile i could.

"this meeting is over!" mikey yelled to all of the members. the members all started walking off in different directions, and some of the members walked over to where i was sleeping and grabbed the jackets off the ground. did mikey really make them give me their coats to sleep on? i kinda felt bad for a second.

"ready to go princess?" he asked walking over to me. some of the members started whistling at us, which made me laugh a bit. i got up, "i'll cya later hina!" i said running off to mikey smiling, and waving goodbye to her. "made a friend?" mikey said looking at me smiling.

"yeah, shes really nice." i said smiling to myself. "..shes not into girls right.." mikey said looking to the side. i started giggling, was he really that worried?! "mikey shut up, you weirdo." i said still laughing.

i made this chapter a little longer. sorry if there's any mistakes<333

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