FP was greeted by his son and his new girlfriend when he arrived. They generously welcomed him into their home until he found something of his own. He's kept in contact with his son throughout the years, more so when the young man came back to town.

"I've missed Pop's burgers so much," FP tossed his empty wrapper in the trash. "He hasn't eaten much of your inventory himself has he?"

"Not that I know of," Tabitha chuckled. "I'm aware of his big appetite though."

"I haven't. How else was I supposed to get my paychecks?" Jughead playfully rolled his eyes. "It was nice working with my girl, but I think the teaching gig suits me better. I told you about Weatherbee asking me to start up the Blue and Gold again, right, dad? I revamped it. I'm calling it Riverdale Choice now. It's been going well. My students are doing great with it."

"It's so strange to hear how all grown up you are now, boy."

"Is it strange to think my old man has grown up some more too?" Jughead could see subtle changes in his appearance. Not much has changed, but he was definitely a little different. "I'm now half the age you were when you left to Toledo with JB. Twenty five, wow. That makes her what? Nineteen?"

"She's all grown up, too. College student just like her big brother was. It makes me feel old."

"Don't worry. You've still got it, Mr. Jones. I can see where Jughead gets his looks."

FP laughed and took the compliment. "I like her. She's a keeper." He told his son. He was glad he found a nice girlfriend. After his falling with Betty and his debatable time with his last girlfriend, Jessica, he was glad to see his son this genuinely happy again.

"So...what about you, dad? Did you meet anyone while you were away?"

"No," He shook his head. "It's just me."

"Are you thinking about meeting someone now that you're back?" Jughead was hinting at something he hoped he would pick up on. "Because if you are, you might want to know something."

Tabitha looked between the men very confused. FP caught on to what he was asking immediately. He couldn't deny that he's thought about her throughout the years. He's afraid she had finally moved on from him. He has hurt her one too many times by always choosing to leave. If it would make her happy, then maybe it was best to let her be. He couldn't risk hurting her again even if it meant hurting himself in the process.

FP averted his eyes from looking directly at them. He was a strong man, but Alice was his weakness. "I haven't spoken to her."

"Does she even know you're in town?"


"Who's this mystery woman?" Tabitha felt left out in this conversation. So much was being left unsaid.

"If you plan to see her just be mindful of everything I've told you." Jughead kept him updated on everything that had to do with Alice, whether he directly asked or didn't. "Since you might at some point, now might be a good time to mention that she and Archie's uncle Frank are kind of seeing each other."

"Betty's mom?" Tabitha figured out the mystery.

The devastation that took over his face couldn't be hidden. That little fact alone tore him apart.

"Sorry, I thought you should know. I didn't know how to tell you before."

"Are you okay, Mr. Jones? Would you like anything?"

"I need air. I'm going for a walk."

"Are you sure you're okay, dad?"

"I'll be fine. It's better I know before doing something stupid again." FP grabbed a jacket and exited the apartment.

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