corny , hanemiya kazutora.

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눈맞춤 - 김이지

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눈맞춤 - 김이지

the air tonight seemed a little colder than usual, and you're in bed just as you always are.

except tonight you're giggling as your heart rate speeds up from hearing the voice on the other side of the line. the owner of the voice being no other than your boyfriend, hanemiya kazutora.

"so what will you do if in 10 years, i get really ugly like an old person with no teeth?" you ask him, with your feet in the air and your cheeks hurting from the amount of laughter you had let out this evening.

"first of all, you're not going to be wrinkly with no teeth in just 10 years. second of all, i guess i'll be out in the sun for too long and start plucking my teeth away then. we can match like that," the corniness oozing from you two at the moment makes you cringe in an almost good way, because despite your nose scrunching up, the smile on your lips is the widest it has ever been.

loud crashing suddenly can be heard from kazutora's side, and you wince from the sound of it. your grin is wiped clean off your face in seconds. "kazu? are you okay?" you try sounding calm but the boy being quiet starts making you restless.

"kazu?" silence again.

you got up so fast from your lying position that your head starts to spin when you land on your feet.

"yeah baby, i'm sorry. i'm here. i just fell hehe," that giggle makes you want to come over to his house to actually murder him but you can't help but to also sigh over the fact that he's safe. well, dying while talking to you just doesn't seem like the best way you would like for him to go.

"are you hurt?" you sound a lot calmer now, and you're once again on your bed.

"no, just fell for you. it's worth it," the silence after he said this sentence is painful.

"i'm sorry. i actually tripped over my laptop charger," you can't help but to laugh at his sudden awkwardness after dropping a cocky bomb like that.

the small laughters become big again, and your feet are swaying in the air.

"and his name is fattie?" you said with a giggle, talking about a troublemaking chubby cat he used to have. among the jokes, you can't help but to feel your heart full from having this moment of sharing each other's stories.

sometimes with kazutora, you really have to slap yourself because god, how the hell did you get this corny over a male?

"when we get married i want a cat."

he covers his mouth as he finally realises what he just said as his ears slowly turn red from the embarrassment he's currently suffering from right now.

"we'll get one, kazu."

you spent almost 15 minutes arguing about which one of you should hang up first before going to sleep with a shit eating grin plastered on both yours and kazu's face.

maybe a little corniness won't hurt.


!!!! thank u for 6k and sorry for not updating.
another sorry for this short ass chapter.
i wish i can french kiss everyone who reads this.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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