baji keisuke , spaghetti and loving.

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kind of a shy tsundere baji (might be ooc)
thx for 3k btw

kind of a shy tsundere baji (might be ooc) thx for 3k btw

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

i love my boyfriend - princess chelsea

a huge bite mark can be seen on your arm from your boyfriend biting you in order to get your attention. you can't blame him, because you yourself is aware that you had promised to help him with something and yet you are still lying on the couch with your eyes glued on the tv screen.

"babe," he called for you with a slightly whiny and annoyed tone to that one word—for what you think have been the 30th time this afternoon.

you groaned as a reply. you do know that promises are supposed to be fulfilled but the couch is currently too comfy for you to move and a comfy couch is like heaven on earth.

"i'll give you a reward," he whispers into your ear, and with that, you are up on your feet and the screen turns black as you pushed the off button.

"you're a fuckin perv, you know?" he darts as he lets out an airy laugh that can't really be covered with his furrowed eyebrows. you rolled your eyes at his accusation, which is actually a hundred percent true. that's not something to discuss about, though.

your steps are heavy as you stomp to the kitchen with baji tailing behind, his hands on your shoulders as you both stomp together like a short train to make dinner.

you can't cook. scratch that, you totally suck at it. baji has been cooking for the two of you your entire relationship, and you now realise how useless you were being. though the truth is, you're not. baji decides to cook every time and he prefers to do it alone as it makes everything faster to him.

perhaps he is in a silly goofy mood today, because here you are in the kitchen with your boyfriend.

you took a tomato and start slicing, being extra careful to not let the knife cut your finger along with the tomato. you were sure that you're doing a great job until you hear a gasp coming from the other side of the table, and you look up to see a horrified look on his face.

"is that how you cut tomatoes?" a disgusted? angry? or maybe weirded out look is clear on his face. he quickly take the tomatoes before you ruin them even more as he orders you to boil the noodles.

you successfully do that, of course. after all, you're not an incapable toddler. and now you are left with cheese grating. a simple task.

you take the grater as you positioned the cheese on the steel kitchen tool, and starts moving.

you slightly jolt when you feel him behind you, too close to ignore his breathing and scent, and too close that you're definitely sure he can feel the pace of your heartbeat picking up under your thin shirt.

"what are you even doing? can't grate a cheese properly, are you twelve?" contradicting with his words, his voice feels soft on your ear as his hands make their ways on top of yours. he positions your hand to a slightly different angle than before.

the cheese is all gone from your mind and the only thing you can see and hear and smell at this moment is baji keisuke behind you right now. this situation makes you feel like the moment you both just started going out, when the days were all flowery and cheeks were always flushed.

his phone starts ringing, immediately stopping your hand from moving along with his. but he doesn't stop, continuing to grate the almost finished cheese and holding your hand in the process.

"keisuke go pick it up," you whisper.

he sighs, eyes never leaving your hands on top of each other. "no." his voice is low and you almost can't comprehend what he said, until he continue speaking. "i'm cooking with you. i'll pick up that phone later," now you definitely can hear that, and you're speechless at how cute he is being.

though you wish to swallow him whole at the moment from his adorableness, you convince him to pick up the phone for it might be important. he pulls himself off of your back, going towards his phone with a sour look. you can hear the grumpiness in his voice as he greet whoever is calling and it makes you giggle silently.

the call ends in a short few minutes. he obviously isn't happy with whoever interrupting this cooking session, and though it isn't good mannered of him, it's making you feel a tad bit special. maybe a lot more than a tad bit. it makes you feel really special and inside, you're squealing your heart out.

and now, silence fills the kitchen. he stands there awkwardly as his hand flies to the back of his neck. "uh. everything is done, i guess," he looks at the cheese as the words exit his lips.

the click of the microwave kind of strikes something in your head of a new idea. an idea to tease him, specifically.

his broad back comes closer to your vision as you hug him. the relaxed muscles suddenly tense on your cheek and you accidentally let out a laugh from it. sudden contact always leave him frozen and it's one hell of an entertainment for you.

"what's so funny, huh?" you're now the one with your back against the table, stuck between his arms. your gaze is like fighting with his, both drilling holes into each other's heads.

his breath warms your lips as his whole body is now basically sticking on you.

his hand sneaks behind your waist, sort of as a shield to make sure your back doesn't hurt from him pushing you against the edge of the table. his lips finally touch yours after what seems like decades and the sigh that enter your ears from him as he kisses you is turning your cheeks hot.

the ding of the oven is like a call back to reality as you both part from each other, baji slightly panting as he grumbles, not happy for getting interrupted twice already.

you can't help but to laugh despite being disappointed too, after seeing baji's lips turning into a funny looking frown that clearly says "what the hell" on it.

he turns to take the spaghetti out as he sigh. "you're mine today, no interruption," he suddenly spoke, trying his best to sound chill, yet his ears being a different color than the rest of his body is obviously hinting at how shy he is right now.

he receives a kiss on his cheek from you, a reward for being the cutest boyfriend to ever exist. you're sure you can't say the same thing for the person you're going to see tonight, but right now, he's your cute keisuke.

ENTHRALLING + tokyorev.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें