Chapter 3: A Mystery Afoot

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"What? But they said it.. it was suicide. What changed?" Rose felt like she was going to pass out. This changes everything. 

"I'm sorry Miss Bancroft. I know this can be a lot to take in. We will need your input on anyone in her life or any reason you think someone would do this. " the officer pauses as if to allow them to prepare for what's to come.

 "There are many reasons we have changed this to homicide. First we noticed that the gun shot was done from an downward angle. This is abnormal for a suicide. Since this drew suspicion we decided to treat the site as a murder just to cover bases and make sure it was a suicide. When checking for any other DNA or finger prints in the vicinity we found it odd that her computer, gun, and table had been completely clean of any DNA other than her blood. Also unusual for someone to take the time to do prior to a suicide. Then while examining the body they found very slight ligature marks on the outside of her wrists. Indicating at one point her hands were tied and she slightly struggled. Lastly, the toxicology report came back today. Luckily they had done it the day of as any later and we wouldn't have been able to see the traces of GHB, also known as liquid ecstasy in her blood. Meaning your mother was tied, drugged and then killed." The Officer ended with a grim look on his face. 

Everything. Everything has changed. 'Earlier this week I was crying and wondering why my mother would ever leave me like this. Now... now I have to figure out who in our life would kill her and why.' Rose sits down next to her grandmother. Robyn rubs her back lightly. 

 "Someone went through a lot of effort to stage your mothers murder. Since you both have checked alibis we know you're not involved." He states firmly. "I'll give both of you a moment to think about who could have done this." The officer says walking over to his colleague. 

Rose looks over to her grandma stress etched in both of their faces. Rose felt like her head was spinning. 

"Robyn, I can't think of anyone who would want to hurt mom. Can you?" 

"I mean. What about that ex-boyfriend of hers? What was his name?... Ak...Acky?"

"Akeem. No. He was one of the sweetest guys and they ended on good terms. Plus he always passed out at the site of blood. Literally. When I cut my arm on a branch once he was not helpful." 

"Alright. Well she had friends didn't she?" 

"I mean a few. A lot of them were from work. Kali, sweet. Leanne, sassy but not harmful. Then Oliver. I met him once. He was awkward, but polite. Again I don't see any reason for any of them to hurt her." exasperated Rose, rubbing her head.  

"Any thoughts ladies?" The officer asked walking back over.

"I'm afraid we can't think of any reason for any one in her life to hurt her sir. We do have a list of people she was close to you could talk to though." Robyn stated grabbing a pen and paper writing down the names. 

"Hun, since he is the only one she didn't work with, what was Akeem's last name? "  

"Ismat. I S M A T." Rose responded. Robyn nodded jotting it down and handing the paper to the officer. 

"Alright thank you. Here is my card. Call me if you think of anyone else or any reasons someone could have wanted her dead." 

The two nodded, Rose taking the officers card and then the officers left. 

Robyn sighed. "Well I have a bit more work to get done in my office. Lydia will be done with dinner soon. Why don't you go get some home work done in the library?" 

"Yeah. Okay... Also I got invited to go watch a movie with some friends from school later. Would that be ok?" Rose asked.

"Yeah sweetie. That's fine just make sure to give me the address of where you will be." She stated with a smile and then walked off to her office. 

Rose grabbed her bag that Remus had subtly placed beside her and headed to the library. 

As she sits at one of the two tables in the middle and takes out her notebooks. Rose doesn't know where to start. She picks up her Italian book and some flash cards. She starts writing out words, their meanings and conjugations. 

Five cards in and Rose officially can't focus. She finds herself staring off at the books around her. Her mind to occupied with her mom. 

'Who would do this. She never did anything to anyone... Not that I can think of.' Rose throws her pencil on the table deciding to walk around the library instead, looking through her grandmothers collections. 

'This place is huge. Who has a library in their house?' Rose runs her hand across the books.

 'Hemingway, Plath, Twain, Fitzgerald, Austen, Shakespeare, Orwell,  even Rowling.' Suddenly Rose comes across a book with no name. At the bottom just a symbol. Looks like three petals with a circle running through them. 

She pulls it from the shelf and a grinding sound comes from the fireplace at the back of the library. Rose puts the book down and walks towards the fireplace. 

The back of the fire place slid to the left revealing a small passage way behind it. Rose cautiously ducks her head inside. Darkness. She can't see anything in front of her. 

"Hello?" She calls out. Her voice echoes back. It's clear this passage isn't short or narrow all the way through. She crawls back out of the passage to look for a light, but soon hears foot steps in the hall. 

"Rose dear. Dinner is ready." Rose tries to close the tunnel, but realizes it wont close. She quickly runs over to the book case putting the book back into place closing the passage and runs back to her seat as her grandmother opens the door. 

Rose looks up to her grandmother hoping nothing seems out of place. "Okay, I'll be right there. Just finishing up this card." Rose says trying to cover. 

Robyn looks at her for a moment and then nods. "Alright. I'll make you a plate. Come out once you're done." Rose nods. 

Her grandmother leaves and Rose looks back at the fireplace. 

What did she just discover?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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