When Scars Meets Tattoos

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  It was a cold night in Birmingham, Alabama. There were no clouds, allowing the glittering stars and a bright moon to shine. In the cold, stood a large line of people standing outside the Civic Center. Practically all of them felt as though they were freezing. Although, two in particular didn't mind near as much.

  One of them was twenty. She was tall, about five foot eleven, with a slender body. The blonde hair that reached her shoulder blades was in a low ponytail, her bangs covering the top of her sky blue eyes. She was wearing a normal black jacket, blue jeans, and black shoes. She also appeared to be the more attractive of the two.

  The other was officially nineteen, due to it being her birthday. She was only inches shorter than her friend, at five foot nine, and contained more fluff to her figure. Her hair, which had been dyed a dark red, went an inch past her chin, with bangs going to the left. The black glasses on her face hid her hazel eyes, and contrasted greatly against her pale skin. She wore a brown hoodie, with dark jeans and blue tennis shoes.

  Both women were waiting patiently for the doors to the Civic Center to be opened. Inside would be a concert that both have been waiting on for months. The red head wasn't nearly as excited as the blonde, but excited nonetheless. Tickets to this concert was a birthday present from her stepfather, knowing both girls liked the band. Yawning, the red head leaned back against the rails leading up the concrete stairs.

  "Come on! I'm ready to see Hollywood Undead!", the blonde sighed
"Calm down, Hailey, they'll let us in eventually."

The blonde, whose name is Hailey Clark, groaned quietly. The one with red hair, Danielle Reid, patted her best friend on the head.

  Danielle then looked up at the night sky. She admired how large the moon was, and how it almost looked red. Once again, she yawned.

"You're not tired, are you?" Hailey asked
"A little, yeah. I've had to pull extra shifts."

  Hailey raised an eyebrow at her friend. She knew that Danielle worked hard as a waitress while in Ontario, but she wasn't aware of her being forced to work more. Naturally, there was question as to why, but it wasn't asked.

  There was a small pause. Both girls turned their attention somewhere else. Hailey, to the entrance of the Civic Center. Danielle, to the few cars driving on the usually busy street. The roads had been blocked off in certain parts to keep people going to the concert from getting ran over.

  "Where are our seats anyways?", Hailey asked suddenly
"We won't have any. They're too far from where we're going to be at.", Danielle shrugged
"Which is...?"
"The closest anyone can get to the stage."

  Hailey's blue eyes grew to the size of plates. Her mouth popped open, as Danielle's spread into a large grin.

"B-by the stage." Hailey stammered, "We get to be close to the stage? Why was I not informed?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise. So," Danielle laughed "surprise!"

  The blonde pointed a finger at her friend, about to threaten her in a friendly way, but then they noticed movement in front of them. The doors to the Civic Center has been opened to let them all inside. Both girls sighed, happy to be able to go inside to the warmth. Still, the line moved slowly. The people at the doors could only go so fast when checking tickets.

  It took about ten minutes before they were able to actually enter. Once in, they began to look for where they should go. Until they caught sight of the merch stand close to the doors. At which point, both had to dodge other people to get to the line. There wasn't a wide variety of clothes, which disappointed Danielle a little.

  Their choices were: hoodies, regular T-shirts, and halter tops. Hailey bought a black halter top, with the band name going across the chest. Danielle got a black hoodie, with the band symbol on both sides of the chest and the word 'undead' on the back. Her body wasn't like her friend's, meaning that she couldn't work a halter that well. Those with body fat were often looked down upon for wearing things that exposed the stomach, and she was no special case.

When Scars Meets Tattoos ((Hollywood Undead))Where stories live. Discover now