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The quiet patter of feet echoed through the forest, the once quiet, dimmed forest now bursting alive with the sounds of excited squeals and the drumming of bare feet. Small fire flies, and other strange glowing bugs, flashed brighter as two figures raced through the foliage. One figure, a taller black haired boy, with two horns curling up from behind his point ears towards the top of his head. The boy's sharp grey eyes focused on the path ahead of him, as well as his friend.

Now his friend held a strong, yet comforting aura around them. Soft e/c eyes seemed to glow within the enchanted forest. Their own horns, while still within the bounds of most Daemos horns, held a uniqueness to them. Their horns, while fairly straight, curled out, and then once more, seeming to mimic a dragon's horns. It wasn't rare to hold such horns, although it was strange within his homeland. As were many of his friend's features, but nonetheless he never judged. It was nice to see someone who didn't fit in within the constant same of the Slurean Kingdom.

Each of the Kingdoms had their own common traits and features allowed them to live comfortably within their lands. The Slurean Kingdom was nestled safely away into a massive cliff side, with the infamous Elder Woods protecting the city from outsiders.

"Come on!"

The tall male couldn't help but laugh at his friend's antic's to keep the two going. A soft smile on his face as he watched them dash ahead. He was at a disadvantage thanks to some of the lower hanging trees that nearly hit the top of his horns. "Slow down Y/n!"

"Maybe you would be faster if you weren't such a giant Asch!" Y/n teased as they slid to a stop in a small clearing. Moonlight slipped through the trees, soaking the clearing in a soft silver light. There were a few tiny blue, red and pink flowers around the edge of the clearing, sprouting from the rich green grass and seemed to try and reach for the light above.

Asch shot out of the trees and skidded to a stop when he saw them standing there quietly. His jet black hair turned into a soft silver as he stepped out into the moonlight. His grey eyes fixed on Y/n's as he slowed down and followed them into the hidden clearing.

"It's beautiful here." Y/n gasped as they looked up and at the forest around them. The trees grew perfectly to form a near perfect circle for the moonlight to filter through the leaves.

"It is, but it's not as beautiful as you." Asch said with a soft smile as Y/n's cheeks turned into a faint red, not expecting the prince's complement. Seeing this soft side of him was rare, usually only saved for when the two were alone or around close friends.

"Asch..." Y/n laughed as they made their way towards the prince, a devilish grin growing on their face as they moved. Swaying their hips, far more than needed, Y/n still held a playful and competitive aura around them as they stopped by the Prince's shoulder. They quickly leaned in, giving him a small kiss on his cheek in return, causing him to turn a faint pink. "You're so cute when you blush."

"No I'm not! I am the Prince of Daemos! I am not cute!" Asch shot back, he straightened up in the process as he tried to hide the blush across his cheeks.

"Um, your majesty? We are sorry to interrupt but your Father needs you," a slightly muffled voice said. The two daemos quickly turned around to see three of the King's guards standing off to the side. Asch let out a small sigh and nodded.

"Very well, let him know that I am on my way." He said with a nod, sending the guards off back to the castle. He turned to Y/n with a small smile and gripped onto their hand. "I guess we should head back, plus it's almost time for your lesson with Lady Grandma."

"Yeah, I guess that we should go." Y/n said huffed in disappointment, sadness taking over them as they kicked the grass underneath their bare feet. It was no secret to anyone or in the kingdom that the two was close. But recently it had seemed that the two had less and less time with one another. Asch, the heir to the Slurean throne and Y/n, the now orphaned child that was taken into the royal family to study magic.

Leviathan .:Asch X Reader:.Where stories live. Discover now