The fairys in the ceiling

Start from the beginning

"I don't *fuck* know" his voice wavered, getting interrupted during the middle of it.

His legs kicked high in the air from his position on the floor, if any of the three got close he would kick or hit them.

"Are you purposely moving?" Techno questioned.

"No! It won't stop!" Tubbo half shouted

That was enough for Wilbur to peek his head in the door, only to be confused to find his whole family.

"Wha- wait what's happening?"

"I don't know, I just woke up to him like this!"Tommy sounded panicked.

"Fuck you fuck you!" Tubbo was not speaking.

"Tubbo do you want us to try to hold you down maybe? See if that helps any" Phil suggested

Tubbo just nodded to the words and let the others gather around him. Carefully they pressed down on his limbs to cease the movement. For a few second it seemed to help until tubbo started to shout

"No! Stop! Please let me go! Let go"!

They all immediately retracted their hands only to see tubbos movement had intensified.

He let the tears run down his face, out of frustration, fear, guilt, and embarrassment. He felt so many emotions at once that it was overwhelming him.

"I think we gotta take him to the hospital Phil" techno reasoned

He was silent for a minute before speaking

"Yeah alright, go get ready. Techno I'm gonna need help moving Tubbo."

"It's gonna be alright I promise, don't be scared" Wilbur cooed.

Everyone seemed to follow suit and start to get ready. Quickly changing into different clothes and gathering some things.

"How are we gonna get him in the car?" Tommy looked at tubbo then back at Phil

"We'll put him in the back, you and Wilbur can seat up the other seats behind it." Phil instructed. Tommy quickly complied and rushed out the door after hearing a beep that indicating the car doors had been unlocked.

"Tubbo, you ready?" Techno directed, giving warning before touching him.

"You gotta go fast, picking him up will stop him from moving" Wilbur stated

Techno nodded before picking tubbo up in a fast gentle motion. He quickly rushes to the car. Tubbo struggled in his grasp as he yelled, the feeling that generated from being held down was terrible for him.

Techno placed him in the car, laid out on the backseat. Tubbo continued the movement again as he was let go, everyone else piled into the car and started making their way to the hospital.


"Toby!" A voice called out.

The five turned towards the sound to find tubbos parents barreling into the hospital.

"What's going on?" His father asked looking at his son.

"We don't know, he just started convulsing. Hopefully the doctor will be in soon" Phil explained. They hadn't been there too long, maybe 40 minutes or so, but the faster they were out of there the better.

"Fuck fuck" tubbo stretched out every syllable

"Toby!" His father shouted, tubbo cowering away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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