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"Can you pass me the ketchup?" Wilbur directes his eyes towards tubbo.

Everyone sat at the kitchen table, tommy spouting words endless on how unfair it was that he wasn't allowed to swear at the table. Techno going through his routine predictively, silently eating but interjecting comments here and there.
Phill trying to calm down tommy as Wilbur only riled him up more.

And tubbo, here he was. It was like he snapped into existence, only just realizing where he was. Him, here, with a plate of food in front of him. It wasn't uncommon for tubbo, screw his autopilot brain.

"Tubbo?" Wilbur called again

"Oh yeah sorry about the big man" tubbo apologize and quickly handed over what was asked. He did earn a collection of glances from the rest of the table, but it wasn't mentioned again.

"What time do you have to be home mate?" Phil commented, trying to make conversation after the exchange.

"Soon, my mum is coming to get me at 8:30 I think." he responded

"You're really leaving me here with Wilbur? Blocked" tommy joked, feigning a betrayed look on his face.

"What the hell did I do?!" Wilbur turned around and attacked tommy viscously without remorse (Tommy's words not his)

"Boys settle down" Phil warned in a joking manner.

Tubbo would love to stay, he really would! But his parents needed him home and he didn't feel like arguing with them. So tommy would just have to suffer alone for tonight.

"Alright tubbo but only this once shall I let you off the hook"

Tubbo loved Tommy's Personality, one minute he was pretending to someone of royal status, next a highly ranked soldier (and tommy said that he was the immature one)

"You're stuff is upstairs big T" tommy remarked, dropping the act.

After supper was over, tubbo collected his stuff and said his goodbyes. It was a routine well known for the group, tubbo might not be a biological brother to tommy, or real son to Philza, but it doesn't mean they don't go along with it.

Tubbo laced his shoes, and started out towards the door

"Why don't you wait here? It's dark out" Wilbur questioned

"My mum likes to wait at the stop sign down the road, it's easier for her to turn"
Tubbo replied.

"Well then I'm coming too, you need someone to fend off kidnappers" announced tommy.

"You won't let him leave if you go with him" Techno uttered as he walked past the duo on his way back upstairs.

"I gotta go boss man! Kidnappers haven't met the wrath of meee" tubbo yelled as he made his way out the door.


Wilbur was right, he thought to himself

Dark was a understatement.

Faded light shined onto the side walk from old streetlights that obviously needed fixed. Tubbo followed the light guided walkway as he slowly came closer to the designated stop sign. It wasn't a long walk but he did make it there a bit early.

Instead of standing the full 10 minutes waiting on his parents, tubbo sat on a little grassy patch close to the sign.

Now, he didn't think he was impatient or paranoid, but as 10 minute came and went with no sign from his parents he was a little worried.

He stood up as headlights blinded his vision momentary, knowing instantly that he overthought the situation. Tubbo was a little relieved that he was getting out of the cold soon though.

(He doesn't speak of the feeling he felt when the car drove passed him)

Tubbo made it a habit to check his phone every couple of minutes to see if his mum had messaged him. After a few attempts with no answers, a text lit up his screen.

"Hey Toby! We need you home by 8:30 please. I can't come get you at the moment but start making your way here alright? Love you"

Tubbo reread the text several times, getting more and more confused with each try.

He couldn't go back and get phill, by now he left 30 minutes ago so bothering them was selfish.

Without much options, tubbo started to walk. He knew where he lived of course, it wasn't a extremely long walk, but not one he was looking forward too.

The streetlights never faltered, which he was grateful for. Tubbo doesn't love the dark, he's not afraid of it! it's wasn't like that, he just finds other types of illumination stages more appealing.

He wishes he could zone out again, like at Tommy's. It's funny how when he wants it to happen it doesn't, but then happens when he is fine. So as the cold nipped at his nose, and the numbers on his watch changed too fast, tubbo continues walking on.

His head reeled back which left him staring at the sky. Shivers haha, he didn't like when they happened, It always left his neck feeling weird. He looked back down to where he was walking, occasionally looking back up as a result of the cold and the weird feeling on his neck.

Shivers haha


"You are finally here!" Tubbo heard as he closed the door, it didn't sound necessarily angry which he was grateful for.

"I'm home" he waved to them as he walked toward the voices, he wasn't met with the same energy though.

"Toby we agreed on 8:30, it's 9" tubbo's dad stated annoyed.

"I got here as fast as I could" tubbo explained, having to walk on such short notice definitely would take up more time than driving.

"Well now we have missed out on our evening because of you, but don't worry it's alright" tubbos mum's face held the same expression throughout the whole interaction and it made him slightly unnerved.

"Just try not to be that selfish moving forward alright?"


When tubbo stumbled into his room he was confused, even if he ran the whole way here there was no chance on making it on time. Tubbo didn't mean to mess up their plans, it was even worse with how he couldn't even figure out if they were mad or not.

So he went to sleep

ignoring the messages that pinged on his phone from tommy

It Was A Swift Not A Swallow (I never Listen)Where stories live. Discover now