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March break was nothing less then boring in tubbos mind, even though he did get a break from school, being home without tommy was a pretty weary experience.

They texted as much as they could everyday. it wasn't like tommy didn't want him at his house, after the whole "getting home late" thing his parents wanted to keep him home for a bit. Not "grounded but grounded technique".

It was pretty stupid, tommy voiced. though tubbo would have to agree, he didn't feel like arguing to much over it. Railing up everyone in the house didn't seem like the best idea right now.

His parents didn't seem like they had a lot of work to do, but they still were busy. His dad resorted to remote home working like his mother, Not given the same time off as kids were given.

Tubbo could tell his presence was annoying them a bit, they had to do work while he was fine. Tubbo did his best to try to help in ways, he made sure the dishes were done and laundry was folded. The trash was taken out and his room was clean.

But he could still feel their tense nature towards him. The way the atmosphere radiating from them takes the air out of his lungs and replacing it with syrup.

"Love you guys" he attempted walking towards the stairs

They didn't answer


Tubbo knows for a fact that his parents love him, he loves them too. It didn't matter if they forgot to say it back, he can't be selfish as to think people will answer to his every command.

Tubbo knows for a fact his parents aren't abusive, they are sweet people. They treat him kindly, even when he screws up his mom still have that sweet smile on her face. They knows what's best and tubbo likes that.

Sure they can be distant, they have a lot of their plate right now. What a lot of people forget about his parents is that outside of a being "mom" and "dad", they are their own people with their own needs. People get angry all the time, it's good not to bottle stuff up, when they want to talk to tubbo they will.

He can deal with silence

That night when he was called down to dinner, he surprisingly felt really good about it. It's like they had completely changed, his father was laughing at some kind of paper in front of him, and his mom settling down into her seat.

"Just grab a plate Toby" his dad instructed, then went back off about the paper with his mother. It was nice to hear them laughing, especially with how stressed they were.

Tubbo took his seat and joined in with them

"Honey you are getting me all riled up!" She laughed swatting gently at her husband

"Don't listen to your mother Toby, how was your day?" His father asked

"It was alright actually! I talked to tommy some and played a bit of Minecraft" he happily explained.

It Was A Swift Not A Swallow (I never Listen)Where stories live. Discover now