Confusing explainations

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Tubbo awoke that morning on an air mattress in Tommy's room. For a moment he was confused, until everything caught up to him again. Thinking to much about it made his head hurt, so he turned his attention over to tommy sprawled out on his bed. Tubbo laughed a little, tommy looked like he had fought in some kind of war by the state of his bed.

His thoughts were interrupted by Phil as he quietly opened the door

"Oh good mate your awake, breakfast is ready. Wake tommy for me please" He informed before walking back out.

He lethargically rose from the mattress and towards tommy.


Breakfast wasn't as coordinated as dinner, not everyone sat around the table and ate. Wilbur headed out the door for some kind of band practice which baffled tubbo because why on earth was he able to practice so early. Tubbo could never fully say what he thought techno was doing as he was a very closed off person by nature, but he knew that techno wasn't the type of person to relax (even if he really needed it)

Tommy however was just as chaotic as usual, maybe dulled a bit but the familiarity wasn't a bad thing.

Tubbo didn't really know what to do with himself. He saw everyone else carrying through their routine as normally as they could, but had no idea where he seemed to fit in. It was a weird turn of events for him, having coming over many times before but this time being the first he felt alienated from the group. At this point tubbo wasn't even sure what is parents were thinking, or Tommy's family for that matter. Christ, he couldn't even tell what he himself was thinking! It frustrated him endlessly.

Tommy made everything feel fluid, even though a million thoughts ran through Tubbo's head, Tommy always was the one to try and make everything seem natural.

He pulled tubbo along as they parted from the table, after having their breakfast of course.

Throughout the day things stayed pretty much the same. They played Minecraft here and there, bothered Wilbur when he got home, tommy even suggested they try and bake something. (Of course it wasn't the brightest idea)

Tubbo noticed phil giving him some stares as he passed by him during the day, it wasn't necessary a bad stare. Tubbo was sure he didn't do it out of bad intentions but it still made him nervous. If tommy noticed he didn't comment on it, but he was pretty sure they both knew why phil was acting weird.


As the the day began to slip away, Phil asked if he could speak to tubbo, automatically looking over to tommy as he did the same.

Phil chuckled at the reaction

"Tommy can come too if you're comfortable with it tubbo, didn't mean to make to seem like I was separating you two"

They silently walked to the kitchen table and took a seat. Tubbo fidgeted with his fingers, looking up abruptly.

"So, you don't have to talked about last night if you don't want to, but I wanna see if I can help" phil spoke.

Tommy looked over to him, not fully expecting a answer. Though he himself didn't get the full story form tubbo, only the summary of it all.

"I think something is wrong" tubbo whispered, the other two almost didn't catch it

"Why do you say that?" Phil pressed

Tubbo looked up from his fingers and over to tommy, almost like he was looking for the answer himself.

"Tubbo has been like having spasms or something, its getting concerning" Tommy continued. Tubbo looked almost thankful that the other finished for him, the words seemed to heavy to escape from his own mouth.

"Spasms? Like a seizure?" Phil asked, eyeing the two.

"No no no, not like that! Well maybe? I honestly don't know how to explain it, but it got me in trouble yesterday with my parents." Tubbo confessed.

In truth he really didn't know what was happening to him, he didn't think it was seizures. Tubbo really hadn't really put much thought into it.

"Alrighty, well lets just keep an eye on you okay mate? I'll see what I'm able to do about this" Phil offered, tubbo strangely happy about the interaction. It wasn't really a super long conversation but it did make him feel more at ease.

He had yet to receive a message from his parents, they didn't even try to call him. Tubbo guessed they needed some time to cool off and if he was being honest, he needed some time too. Relieved that tommy and his family were allowing him to stay, though mostly unsaid.

Tubbo did feel weird, but he wasn't sure how to explain it. Maybe it's because he's not used to being the center or attention, that did make him a little uncomfortable. At least they care enough to do it.

Tubbo spent the rest of the night absolutely destroying tommy in jump force.

He was content

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