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The veiw opened on the sight of a Forest. With it's luscious green leaves, little animals scampering about. We then cut to a deer drinking from a pond, the sight itself was peaceful, as if nothing could go wrong.

 We then cut to a deer drinking from a pond, the sight itself was peaceful, as if nothing could go wrong

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We then cut to a small cabin inside the woods, the radio was playing some tunes

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We then cut to a small cabin inside the woods, the radio was playing some tunes. We then heard the tone of a soon to be man (If living alone in Grimm infested forests don't already make you a man.) humming whatever was on the radio as he was preparing his meal, he soon was finished and started setting up his plate. Sitting down he was about to take a bite, that was until a knock at the door  stopped him dead in his tracks. He has a feeling who it was, but he felt subconsciously it would've been only a matter of time till they find him, so hesitantly he got up, setting the food down and headed for the door. There were a couple more knocks before he simply unlocked all the locks besides one chain one. He opened the door to see he was right, the wizard had sent the witch to talk.

 He opened the door to see he was right, the wizard had sent the witch to talk

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[???]: Greetings again....Jaune.

The man, Jaune, simply let out a sigh of defeat. He unlocked the door and simply walked back to his plate of food. Glynda followed closing the door to the cabin. To make light of the humor.

Jaune: If I knew I had visitors, I would've made more then one plate of food.

Jaune's voice seemed to be devoted of any humor, but he kept eating as Goodwitch didn't lose her gaze. After a moment Jaune spoke again. Nodding his head to a window signaling outside.

Jaune: how many are there?

[???]: Fifteen.

Jaune: Fifteen? Your headmaster must be really idiotic or really bet his chances on hope/luck. But I bet my money on the former.

[???]: I wouldn't deny that claim. But he is thrusting of me to bring you.

By this point Jaune got up to put his plate in the sink humming slightly.

Jaune: He's too trusting, that will be his Downfall.

[???]: What makes you so sure of that statement?

Jaune: Trying to get me to attend his school.

[???]: Well everything he does is a mystery, even if he did accepted a girl that's two years younger then recommended.

Jaune: Sure, keep milking the "Proving my point" udders. But make sure to not milk to hard. You might get an unexpected surprise.

[???]: You're humor needs more work.

Jaune: Says the most strictest person I have ever met.

Jaune went to sit back down with a little grunt. Goodwitch moved to sit in a chair across from him.

Jaune: Let's just assume I decided to go to your academy in the first place. What does he have to give me?

[???]: What do you mean?

Jaune: I don't need the benefits, I live comfortably already, fighting grimm is annoying, sure, but I have good amount of experience to dealing with them already, and I don't wanna Continuesly go out to fight every damned time. But leads to my main issue. My...medical condition.

[???]: We are fully aware of this, but there's one thing that we know you want.

Glancing over at her, his fists tightened knowing what's she's gonna say. He loved it, he wanted it, NEEDED IT. But like most things in's simply not possible.

Jaune: should know that....what I want. It's impossible, a work of fiction, as some would say.

Goodwitch: Jaune...Nothing is-


Jaune stood up, showing his anger to the Huntress. But she stood up holding her riding crop to him. Glaring harder. The tense atmosphere just gotten even more tense, a few minutes go by before Jaune calmed down but some of the stress never left.

Jaune: Alright...Alright. I was wrong for snapping. Now let's ALL calm down.....we don't wanna do anything that we might regret. Right?

Goodwitch didn't move a bit, studying him for a moment before she simply sighed and adjusted her glasses as she  got out of her fighting stance. She nodded a before decide to speak once more.

Goodwitch: Look... I know it may seem impossible, but Ozpin has great influence. He will be able to get Ironwood off your back.

Jaune just looked down, his hair shadowed his face.

Jaune: Until I lose control again, then...there I am, easy target. Of course they won't stop the other guy, but what's to stop them from getting me when I least expect it? I simply can't risk it. Now if you excuse me...I need to grab my things.

Jaune started to walk away before Goodwitch spoke again.

Glynda: Didn't you want to be a hero to save innocents? To protect those who couldn't? If you can't do it for the it for me...for the defenceless. Please.

Moments pass. Silence rang through the air, you could hear a pen drop a mile away. It seemed hours pass before Jaune signed gently.

Jaune: When...when  is the next bullhead?

Goodwitch sighed in relief internally. She moved and called the fifteen surrounding huntsmen and huntresses off. Before looking back at him.

Goodwitch: Two days from now...I would suggest to get prepared.

Jaune: All I have is clothes and a radio...Nothing else is valuable if you can tell. Now if that's all, leave.

Without saying anything, Jaune heard the clicking sound of the heels heading torwards the door. Until it was opened and closed. Jaune looked around his place in thought before heading to his room to sleep for the night. Preparing himself mentally. To deal with the social drama, called school.

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