11. Raven

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I watched her from my usual spot in the library, Mondays were always the busiest and that suited me today.  She had come in and looked around nervously before noticing the people at her usual desk.  I grinned as she bit her lip and looked around, there was a free desk near the usual rowdy bunch and she tensed, would she leave, or...

She headed for the information desk and I grinned again before moving towards the staircase, reaching the desk moments after her and hearing her request for additional study spaces.

"You can join me" I say aloud, making her jump and Mrs Jones look surprised. "A pass please, Mrs Jones"

"Mr Steele?" Mrs Jones questions "Are you sure?"

"Yes" I reply curtly and Mrs Jones nods before opening the drawer and pulling out an access card, holding it up to me.  "Thank you" I say taking it from her and once again noting the look of surprise on her face.

Viri has stayed silent throughout our exchange and I grab her free hand with mine, pulling her along behind me and back up the stairs.

"Restricted section" she murmurs as I wave the card in front of the scanner, allowing the door to open and I pull her through and along to my study area.

"Raven, what..." she start to say before looking around her, her gaze falling to the students we can see below, studying in the open area, then back to me before sweeping around the room.

"My family have a lot of links to this university, Pops donated the new wing of the library and I have this area because of that" I tell her and watch her gaze fall back to the ground floor.

"If you have this then why study down there with me?" she looks upset, I didn't like that and stepped closer to her.

"I saw you come in and I couldn't look away, I wanted to see you better, closer, so I came down and joined you" I move up to join her, looking down.

"Will you study up here with me or even without me, this card gives you access at any time?' I ask softly, tipping her head up so I can see her eyes, read the expressions chasing across her face.

"Did you think about what I said Friday?" I ask her carefully, not wanting to scare her away. She glances around again. "Regardless of what you say, I still want you to have access to study up here" I tell her, noting the flare of surprise on her face.  "Though full disclosure, I will keep trying to get you to say yes and up here we will not be disturbed.

"I don't want to date, I want to study" she tells me and I can hear frustration in her voice but she looks torn, is she fighting me or herself.

"Then lets be study buddies... friends" I offer holding out my hand for her to shake. she stares at it but I stay still waiting with my hand out. its feels like forever but eventually she takes it and we shake.

"Friends" she mutters and I grin 'For now' I think to myself, knowing this is just the first step.

We settle down and she pulls out her books but doesn't open them and I can see something is bothering her as she just stares out over the others below us. She tenses as she see something and I watch as she pulls back, as if wanting to be out of sight.

"Whats wrong, did someone upset you?" I ask softly, breaking into her fear.

"The was a boy who I bumped into on Saturday at the dorm, he asked me out but..." she shivers and not in a good way.

"Who was he?' I ask gently, not wanting to scare her, as my mind went instantly to Sigma Beta.

"He said his name is Jamison, he wanted my number, said he liked a challenge" she tapers off, biting her lip nervously and I take a breath before replying.

"What happened, Did he touch you?" I ask carefully, trying to keep the sight of my clenched fists from her view and my voice even.

She explains how she bumped into him and I grit my teeth, not believing for one second it had been a chance meeting and now he know where her dorm room was, at least she felt wary of him..  I knew we had to tell her what was going on, the risk.

"I know who he is" I say and she cocks her head looking at my face searchingly.

"Why do I think you have more to say?" she questions and I smile, she's so quick, we will never get away with anything with her.

"We did some digging and heard some things over the weekend, there's something I need to tell you but I need my brothers here too, it affects all of us. Can I call them?" I ask her, not wanting to drop them on her without warning.

"Jamison, he's a big problem.  You know him, you and your brothers?" she asks consideringly and I nod.


"Yes" she says and I look at her confused for a moment before I realised what she means, I pull out my phone and send them a message, knowing they will be here soon, they would have been waiting for this.

"They are on their way" I tell her and she nods before focussing on her books.  I watch her for a few moments before prowling to the screen looking down at the students below us.  Jamison is talking to a group of girls at the loud table but his gaze is repeatedly checking each time the door opens.

'Come through the back' I message them, watching Jamison watching the door. I have no doubt who he is looking for... Viridian.

I search the rest of the room, noting two member of Sigma Beta also sat in the room but they do seem to be studying at least.

I hear the electronic beep of the door and know my brothers have arrived, turning I watch Viri tense but continue to focus on the books in front of her.

"What happened?" Jett asked stopping beside her and dropping to his haunches so he could see her face.

I watched the myriad of emotions cross her face as she looked at him before she turned back to me.

"Jamison asked her out" I tell them and send Viri a grin as my brothers all start talking at once.

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