Fin | From Afar

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"How about me?" Yuna asked, frowning.

"How about you?"

"You didn't come here to see me?"

"Of course, I did." Chaeryeong answered, which made Yuna smile widely—only to frown once again when Chaeryeong followed it with, "Because I need to charge you with those pizzas you bought with my money."

"Geez, I actually hoped that you would forget about that."

Jimin chuckled at the two. She quietly went behind Minjeong, hugging the girl. 

"Sorry if I didn't bring you to school today." 

"It's fine." Minjeong said, holding the arms that are wrapped around her. "Ningning brought me here."

"Speaking of, she'll be having a world tour, right?"

Minjeong nodded cutely, which made Jimin kiss her cheek. 

"It sucks," The taller girl said, placing her chin on Minjeong's shoulder. "I can't be with you often today, I have duties to fulfill."

"As you should." Minjeong laughed. "I can't have you slacking around just because of me."

"Hmm, now you're giving me an idea."


"I'm kidding." Jimin grinned. "Of course I wouldn't set aside my responsibilities. But," She kissed Minjeong's cheek again. "I want us to spend time together."




"Okay." Jimin repeated with a smile. 

"Jimin," Jisu called, interrupting the two from their sweet conversation. "President Soyeon is looking for us, we have to go now." 

"Alright." Jimin slowly pulled away from Minjeong, but not before kissing the latter's head. "I'll see you later, Mindeongie."

"I think we should go too." Yeji announced, kissing Ryujin's cheek before pulling Chaeryeong away. "Bye guys!"

The four girls watch them leave. 

"So..." Aeri faced them. "We have no classes today. Where do you all want to go?" 




"Bummer." Aeri playfully rolled her eyes at Minjeong. "We'll go to the cafeteria."

"...Do I have other options?"


Minjeong sighed. "Right. Let's go."

Aeri grinned, pulling Minjeong away while the two Shins followed them with a smile.

"It's good to be back."

"What do you mean?" Yuna asked her cousins.

Ryujin shook her head, the smile never leaving her face.



"That was hot, Yeji."

Aeri said, smirking at Yeji who just finished her solo performance of the song, 'River'.

The said girl smiled, brushing her messy hair with her hands. "Thank you, I really prepared for that."

"You didn't tell us that it would be a solo performance!" Yuna exclaimed, pulling the lightfury close to sit beside her. "Does Chaeryeong have a solo performance too?"

From Afar | WinrinaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang