27: Injury

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Techno found himself in what looked like a bedroom.

He blinked dully, his head slowly rolling to one side, wincing as he came back to the sharp sensation of pain in his shoulder. Right. He'd been shot. That made sense. He blinked wearily, pulling at his good arm to prop himself up, only to find a dull pressure around his wrist.

It took him a moment to turn his head towards his hand, and when he did he was very unamused to see that his wrist was handcuffed to the headboard, preventing him from getting up without injuring himself further. "You have got to be kidding me." He gritted out, his voice croaky and unused.

"Techno?" Came a familiar voice, tinged with nerves. Techno raised his head up with minimal discomfort, and George was at the door, fingers wrapped nervously around the wooden frame. "Oh, you're awake!"

"George." Techno said dryly, his voice crackly from lack of use.

"Yes?" George sounded nervous. Good. Techno didn't have to pretend that he wasn't pissed off.

"Why is my hand chained to the bed?" He kept his voice calm and flat, but George flinched back anyway, pursing his lips at Techno's accusatory tone.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my idea." He began to defend, bringing his hands to the front of him and giving Techno an apologetic smile. "Sally said that she was worried, and Sapnap--"

"George." Techno cut him off.

George raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"Let me out." Techno said evenly. He gave his good hand another pull. There was no way he would be able to break the metal without assistance. He knew how to escape handcuffs, of course, but it would be difficult without the use of his good hand or something to trick the mechanism with.

"I'll go get Sally." George said, ducking his head before hurrying out of the room. Techno looked to the ceiling with a tight jaw, teeth gritted to quell his anger. He did not kill all those people to free his friends only for them to turn on him like that. The feeling of betrayal burned through his insides.

Sally arrived a short time later, her salmon hair pulled back with a headband and her arms crossed over her chest. She looked over him with the clinical eye a doctor may show a patient, but there was a familiar warmth to it, clashing with the coldness of her words. "You're awake."

Techno's eyebrows settled into a glare. "This isn't funny."

"No, it's not." She agreed, moving around the bed to his injured side. As she reached out and pulled the collar of his shirt down, he resisted the urge to grab her wrist and use it as leverage to convince her to release him. It wasn't an easy urge to fight. Techno was not fond of being locked up.

It would be easy to break her wrist and use the leverage to obtain the key. But he wouldn't. He would never. He would never hurt her, not one of his friends.

"You're lucky I'm quick on my feet." Sally said, but there was a restraint to her voice that told Techno she was still angry. She finished looking at his wound and pulled back. "You lost a lot of blood. Sapnap didn't think you were going to wake up."

Techno fixed her with an even glare and she shot him one right back. "Why are you doing this?"

She snorted, pulling up a chair and taking a seat, leaning back and resting her feet on the edge. "You wanna do this now?"

"Yes." Techno hissed, rattling the handcuffs as he tried to pull free. "What the hell, Sally? I thought you were my friend."

"I thought we were in this together." She shot back, her eyes dark with resentment. "I thought we understood eachother."

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