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"y/n ! let's get going!" ren knock on y/n's door. "errr wait! I can't get this dress on!!" she jump around her room. ren turn the doorknob and get in, "its that easy but you can't?" he laughs. y/n's eyebrows twitched in annoyance, "STOP! JUST HELP ME PLEASE!" y/n whine. ren stand behind y/n and zip it up, "are you ready?" he ask, hugging y/n from behind. "yes, yes.. but tomorrow, you owe me an ice cream that I couldn't get today," y/n flip her hair and walk out of her room to use her heels.

where are they going? they're going to a party. what party? well, it's a party where their school is making. they're third year, and before they graduate, they make a party. y/n hop in to ren's car and swing her feet.

"act as if you're my girlfriend, y/n. those girls are gonna bother me if you're not there," ren said. "okay reeen!" she grins.


the siblings looks so classy together, like an almighty couple. y/n wrap her arms around ren's and walk in together. every person that they passed, hang their mouth open. ren keep a cold look, while y/n gave a cold, but kind look. when they are in the place, the girls that ren mean look at y/n in disgust. "nee, meguro-kun~ who's this girl?" she ask, pointing to y/n.

y/n clicked her tongue and smirk to that girl, "I'm his girlfriend~ and you are?" she ask, twirling a strand on that girl's hair with her finger.

"huh?! you? becoming his girlfriend? I think he needs a glasses to see how you look! classy because you used his money? hah, such a useless girlfrien-" "hold it right there, bitch. first, can I have a stapler to clip you lips together? second, he chose me because I was way better and beautiful that you. third, I think I know you use some old, rich man to buy those eyesore dress. well then, if you feel excuse me, ren and I will go. bye," she drag ren to a corner of the place and clench her fist.

"pfft.. y/n.. I didn't have a chance to say my words to her-" "it's better for me to say it for you, ren.. you know if she report you, what will happen to your career? I don't want something to happen to you, ren.." she look away and cross her arms. ren place his chin on y/n's head, "I love you, lil sis~" he whisper.

"aww~ I love you too, bro.. by the way.. that girl has been looking over us for ever," she points to girl 1 (the one that maki-maki reader itu loh) ren turn y/n's body and wrap his arms around y/n's waist. they've made this plan already. y/n wrap her arms around ren's neck and he lean in.

oh did they kiss? well, nope. behind the fact of ren leaning in to y/n, they were snickering. after 3 minutes, they pull away. girl 1 growl and stomp to them, "who are you, really!" she ask angrily. y/n shrug her shoulders, "why do you matter? it's not your problem, right?" y/n walk away with ren and talk to their friends.

~time skip

they ended up going home first, 'cause tomorrow, they have the last day before test. y/n take over driving the car, letting ren take a rest. she glance to ren who was asleep with his mouth slightly agape. when they were home, y/n take a pic of her brother and keep in her gallery. she giggle and shake her brother.

"ren.. wake up.. hey.. we're home.." she whisper and shake him gently. ren stir awake and look y/n directly to y/n's eyes. her face flush in red when she saw that kind of look from ren.


"..are we home yet?" he ask, rubbing his eyes. y/n smiled at him, "yes we are, ren.. let's go!" she flash a smile and went out of the car. y/n take a shower and plop herself on the couch, finding her comfortable position. after she found it, she stare blankly to the spaces.

lots of girls tries to get ren's attention, right? but why don't he get attracted by one of them? speaking of ren's love.. I wonder who he actually like.. was she from our school? or was she from his work? does that mean if he was using a "special" outfit.. he was going out for her? HAHAHA I've found out //smug face

"y/n ? if you're gonna get to your room, turn off the lights, okay? I'm going to take a rest first," ren say, squatting in front of y/n. "oh?? okay," y/n give her thumb up and stare on something again. she yawn and stretch her arms, "I think I'm just.. gonna sleep here.." she said, closing her eyes and sleep.

~next day

"y/n, wake up," ren shakes y/n's body. y/n's eyes shot open, "SCHOOL!" she yells and rush to change. y/n then run downstairs and drink her milk and munch on her bread, "I am so sorry that I woke up late, ren!" she bows and clean the dishes. "woah.. slow down, sis.. It's just 6 now.. we still have time," he said and sip his drink. y/n sigh in relief and sit next to ren on the dining table.

"oh yeah, ren.. my mind have been wondering since last night.." y/n said, facing her brother, "who do you like? I mean.. as you see.. lots of girls from our school likes you.. and you don't even get interested in to one of them! also, there are hundreds of girls in our school who's naturally beautiful ! our juniors are soo beautiful ! but why aren't you interested?" she asked, looking so confused.

ren looks at his lil sis, smiling to himself, she's so cute.. y/n keep on saying things like, "are you actually interested in boys?" or "DON'T SAY THAT YOU'VE DATED SOMEONE BUT YOU HAVEN'T TELL ME?! //gasps"

she's blabbering a lot of things, until ren.. "you just don't know that I like you.." he whisper to himself and sigh. y/n was still talking nonsense about ren's love life. he was so glad that y/n didn't hear him at all.

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